In which we celebrate the role of food in fandom and in canon, and get a little creative along the way.

Episode 98: Dinner? Starving.

In which we celebrate the role of food in fandom and in canon, and get a little creative along the way.

Segment timestamps:

0:00:25 – Host Opening

0:10:14 – Food as a Metaphor in BBC Sherlock

0:40:22 – Consulting Culinarians: John’s Thing with Peas

1:09:59 – Top Ten Most Memorable Meals in 221B

1:11:34 – Fandom Tea

1:41:04 – Fandom of Interest: GBBO

1:59:11 – Top Ten Sherlock Characters as Food

2:00:33 – Interview: DrinkingCocoa

2:22:52 – Top Ten Things to Do With Peas

2:24:11 – Consulting Writers: NaNoWriMo

2:54:40 – That’s My Division

3:04:28 – Post Mortem

Shownotes, contact details, and credits below.


Host Opening (0:00:25)

Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42, Chase, and Emma Grant, Producer: Johnlocked, Editor: Sunday Duck

TPP discord invite
“Dinner?” “Starving.”
Old-fashioned rice pudding
Champorado recipe

Food as a Metaphor in BBC Sherlock (0:10:14)

Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42, Sunday Duck, Vex, Producer/Editor: Alexx

Dusting off our meta hats, we decided to look at several “food moments” in BBC Sherlock, looking for metaphors and deeper meanings in the tasty scenes.

An unlikely association in seven fish by BoldAsBrass
Sherlock Holmes/Chippers fics on AO3

Consulting Culinarians (0:40:22)

Consulting Fans/Producers: Fox Estacado & Johnlocked, Editors: Johnlocked & Caroline

Fox and Johnlocked are back in the kitchen, this time making John’s Thing with Peas, along with some spiked tea to keep us warm through the long November nights.

John’s Thing With Peas & Doctor Watson’s Medicinal Tea recipes
[Podfic] Mise en Place, by consulting_smartass

Top Ten Most Memorable Meals in 221B (1:09:59)

Contributed by: Science, Read by: Science

Fandom Tea (1:11:34)

Consulting Fans: Cumbercookie, Suspup, IwantthatCoat, Producer: Cumbercookie, Editors: Cumbercookie & Johnlocked

Cumbercookie, Suspup, and IwantthatCoat have a tea-riffic conversation about why they love tea,, how one prepares a proper cup of tea, and BBC Sherlock and fandom’s tea tropes and tea characterizations.

Iwantthatcoat’s Sweet Tea fic Black Gold, Texas Tea
Adagio tea
Three Continents Watson blend by Mydwynter
Watson blend by Cara McGee
Standard cup of tea
Republic of Tea chart

Fandom of Interest: GBBO (1:41:04)

Consulting Fans: Caroline, Cumbercookie, Science, Snoggy & vex, Producer/Editor: vex

On your marks…get set…BAKE! Consulting Fans talk about “The Great British Bake Off”, perhaps the kindest competitive reality TV show ever made!

Sue and Mel’s Tactics For Crying Contestants

Top Ten Sherlock Characters as Food (1:59:11)

Contributed by: Cumbercookie, Caroline, cumberqueer, Suspup, Science, Read by: Science

Interview: DrinkingCocoa (2:00:33)

Consulting Fans: Fox Estacado, Drinkingcocoa, Producer: Fox Estacado, Editor: Cumberqueer

Fox and Drinkingcocoa talk about their favorite food moments in canon, in fanon, and at cons.

Alon’s, where we got the cro-babies’ wedding cake. They deliver within Atlanta!
Potato bar set-up
Energy bars
Casseroles for Mycroft
Diogenes Club:  Absolute Silence
Croquembouche at the Check Please meetup
Rupert Graves in Charles II: The Power and the Passion (not food)

Top Ten Things to Do With Peas (2:22:52)

Contributed by: Iwantthatcoat, Cumberqueer, Fox, Suspup, Science, Read by: Science

Consulting Writers: NaNoWriMo (2:24:11)

Consulting Fans: Emma Grant, Johnlocked, MerindaB, Producer/Editor: Emma Grant

It’s the 20th anniversary of NaNoWriMo! Three writers share tips and tricks for getting 50K words written in one month.

Emma Grant on NaNoWriMo
iamjohnlocked4life on NaNoWriMo
MerindaB (reliantfc3) on NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo official website
NaNoWriMo twitter
NaNoWriMo forums
NaNoWriMo prep resources
NaNoWriMo word sprints twitter
Original NaNoWriMo interview on NPR, 11/7/2002
NaNo pep talk post from Neil Gaiman
Merinda’s list of NaNoWriMo resources
TPP discord/writer’s group
TPP twitter post about the November 1-3 weekend launch on TPP discord

That’s My Division (2:54:40)

Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42, HPswl-cumbercookie, Producer/Editor: Alexx

For a foodtastic spread of fic recs, we looked at Chef AUs, feeding, binging, cooking, and naughty fun with edible items!


Mouth to Mouth by OssaCordis
Starving by bbcatemysoul
a slice of sentiment by darcylindbergh
The Bake Off Final Problem by EmmyAngua
Different Tastes by DemonicSymphony
Have you heard about the foodtruck fic? by justacookieofacumberbatch
Appetite by lookupkate
Sweeter Than Skin by Vivi Marius on
Sweeter Than Skin by Vivi_Marius on AO3
Mycake by CaptainOfShips


Absurdities by oxfordlunch
I’ll Get a Candle by ChrisCalledMeSweetie

Post Mortem (3:04:28)

Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42, Chase, and Emma Grant, Producer: Johnlocked, Editor: Sunday Duck

John Watson’s Twelve Days of Hiccups by chriscalledmesweetie


Email: [email protected]


Skype: threepatch.podcast







TPP Discord invite

Production Credits

Episode Producers: Fox Estacado and Emma Grant

Episode Audio Editor: Finn Again

Banner Art: Fox Estacado

Distribution funded by fans!

Music Credit

Unless otherwise indicated, all music is available for purchase through online retailers such as and iTunes.

Show Intro – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Opening Titles

Food as a Metaphor –  Bon appétit by Katy Perry
Consulting Culinarians – Isaac Hayes, Chef Aid (The South Park Album): Chocolate Salty Balls
Fandom Tea – Masters of Reality, Sunrise on the Suffer Bus: T. U. S. A.
Fandoms of Interest – Tom Howe: Great British Bake Off Theme

From the Notebook of Kitty Riley – The Quantic Soul Orchestra, Stampede: Hold it Down
Consulting Writers – Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Punch the Clock: Every Day I Write the Book

That’s My Division – John Coltrane, My Favorite Things [Deluxe Edition]: My Favorite Things, Part 1

Show Outro – Bee Gees, Saturday Night Fever [The Original Movie Soundtrack]: Stayin’ Alive

How to Cite


Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2019, November 1). Hungry? Starving. [Episode 98]. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from

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