All about asexual characters and relationships! We look at ace-spectrum interpretations of Sherlock and Doctor Who, talk with fic authors about writing ace stories, and squee about Good Omens!

Episode 95: Ace August

All about asexual characters and relationships! We look at ace-spectrum interpretations of Sherlock and Doctor Who, talk with fic authors about writing ace stories, and squee about Good Omens!

Segment timestamps:

0:00:25 – Host Opening

0:28:02 – Asexuality Throwback and Roundtable

1:02:52 – Top Ten Ace Characters in Fiction

1:03:35 – Good Omens RT

1:35:47 – Top Ten Sherlock Characters’ Favorite Good Omens Moments

1:37:02 – FOI: Doctor Who

1:52:40 – Consulting Writers

2:28:44 – Top Ten Reasons Sherlock Holmes Liked Good Omens

2:29:54 – That’s My Division

2:41:45 – Post Mortem

Host Opening (0:00:25)

Consulting Fans: Johnlocked, Hope, Finn

Editor: Johnlocked

TPP Episode 11: Married to My Work
Paul Miller’s The Sherlock Connection and The Fresh Sleuth
Finnagain’s Alpha Centauri
Ode to Joy trailer
The Current War trailer
Dracula first look photos
Horrible Histories trailer
The Hound of Justice by Claire O’Dell

Asexuality throwback and roundtable (0:28:02) Transcript available

Consulting Fans: B, Hope, Ari

Producer: Hope, Editor: Emma

Consulting fans look back at the Asexuality roundtable from Episode 11 and talk about what has changed and what stayed the same in terms of ace interpretations of Sherlock.

Episode 11 Asexuality Roundtable
The Issue of Cuddling, by lavvyan
Wedding Bells, by Antimony
Compromise, by Ozymanreis
Matrimony, by tiger_moran
The Wedding Garments, by cwb

Our Top Ten Ace Characters in Fiction (1:02:52)

Contributed by: Johnlocked, TPP Consulting Fans

Read by: Science

Good Omens RT: The Expansive Queerness of Good Omens (1:03:35)

Consulting Fans: Sunday, B, Finn, Science, Johnlocked

Producers: Johnlocked & Finn; Editor: SundayDuck

We discuss how Amazon Prime’s recent adaptation of Good Omens is a wonderful example of expansive queer representation, particulary of asexual characters and relationships and of transgender/gender non-conforming characters.

Thread on queer rep with Neil Gaiman & fans
NG keeping it open to asexual readings – “it’s a love story”
Really lovely thread by someone identifying as agender, asexual
NG’s thoughts on not reading headcanons / his love of the joy of fandom, headcanons 
Medium piece “Good Omens” is the asexual love story I’ve been waiting for
NG being delighted that people love all the gender fluidity, “As you say, it’s all love.”, “None of the angels or demons are binary.” 
Happy Non-Binary Day from NG
Absence of toxic erotonormativity

Art recs

 Artist cogitaeworks who only does ace/demi art
Ace Comic by miller_izo
Perfect fan art of angel & demons positions on gender by t8oo
NB art of Crowley and Aziraphale by AmiraZahirah_
Portrait of Madame C by thunderheadfred
NB Crowley/Nanny Ashtoreth in a kilt by iamjohnlocked4life
hair braiding art by cagefreepotato

Fic recs

Kedreeva’s Good Omens fics
Captain_Kieren’s Good Omens fics
Guardian_Rose’s Good Omens fics
Love Languages Series by Draco_sollicitus
I’d like for you and i to go romancing by dollsome
Finn’s podfic of i’d like for you and i to go romancing by dollsome
Such surpassing brightness by Handful_of_Science
All i need, darling, is a life in your shape by deadgreeks
Crowley’s Ineffably Terrible No Good Bad Day by smolchinerd

Sherlock Characters’ Top Ten Favorite Moments From the Good Omens Screen Adaptation (1:35:47)

Contributed by: hpswl-cumbercookie, Vulgarweed, Vex, Science

Read by: Science

FOI: Doctor Who (1:37:02)

Consulting Fans: Hope, Vex, Merinda, Cookie

Producer: Cookie; Editors: Johnlocked & DrinkingCocoa

Consulting fans talk about why they love Doctor Who, and why you should, too!

Craig Ferguson – The lost Doctor Who cold open
TPP ep 88 FOI: Doctor Who 13th Doctor watchalong
Actor Matt Smith says Doctor Who doesn’t like sex and would prefer to play chess

Consulting Writers: Writing Ace Characters (1:52:40)

Consulting Fans: Emma, lijavi/guanin, Iwanthtatcoat

Producer/Editor: Emma

Writers talk about how being on the ace spectrum affects their writing and participation in fandom.

Guanin’s AO3 page
Coat’s AO3 page (note some fics are locked to users only)
The Invisible Orientation (link goes to Goodreads)
Awakenings by Guanin
Not everything is always just as it seems by syllogismos
The argument from roses by syllogismos
Deviant by berlynn_wohl
Your Moral Crisis is Stupid by etothepii
Biased Observations by theimprobable1
Vinny Gets a Life by youcouldmakealife

Top Ten Reasons Sherlock Holmes Likes Good Omens (2:28:44)

Contributed by: Vulgarweed, Amy the Elder, Science

Read by: Science

That’s My Division (2:29:54)

Consulting Fans : Alexxphoenix42, dmellieon, iwantthatcoat, HPswl_cumbercookie

Producer/Editor: Alexx

Our fic recs this month explore orientations like asexual, demisexual, and homo-romantic, with a few bromance stories thrown in for good measure.


Bed-Sharing Between Flatmates by testosterone_tea
A Love with No Name series by aceofhearts61
The Elephant in the Room by Kantayra
the art of getting by (isn’t really so artsy at all) by stupidmuse_hatesme
Intellectual Intercourse series by waketosleep
Home and Dry by BeautifulFiction


Ampersand by Indybaggins


F*ck the world series by syllogismos
Deviant by berlyn_wohl
Idle by hoc_voluerunt
Biased Observations by theimprobable1
Just the Way You are by Schattengestalt
Inevitable. by FrenchCaresse


Touch Me (Don’t, Please) by Fandoms_are_my_lifestyle
The Love Song of Two Idiots by SkipandDi (ladyflowdi)

Post Mortem (2:41:45)

Consulting Fans: Johnlocked, Finn, Hope

Editor: Johnlocked

Join our Discord!
Answered tumblr ask about depression
Brad’s Very Nice blogpost about us!


Email: [email protected]





Skype: threepatch.podcast



Music Credits

Unless otherwise indicated, all music is available for purchase through online retailers such as and iTunes.

Show Intro – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Opening Titles
Asexuality Throwback Roundtable  – Cheryl, Only Human: Throwback
Good Omens RT – David Arnold, Good Omens Original Television Soundtrack: Opening Title; Tori Amos, Good Omens Original Television Soundtrack: A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
FOI: Doctor Who – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Back to Work; Segun Akinola, Doctor Who Series 11 Original Television Soundtrack: Opening Titles
Consulting Writers – Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Punch the Clock: Every Day I Write the Book
That’s My Division – John Coltrane, My Favorite Things [Deluxe Edition]: My Favorite Things, Part 1
Show Outro – Bee Gees, Saturday Night Fever [The Original Movie Soundtrack]: Stayin’ Alive

Production Credits

Episode Producers: Emma Grant and Hope

Episode Banner Artist: Fox Estacado

Episode Audio Editor: Finn Again

Distribution funded by Fans!

How to Cite


By Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2019, August 1). Ace August [Episode 95]. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from

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