Episode 70: Ready for Round Two. Didn't get enough of our annual Sexpisode? Luckily Three Patch Podcast has found their second wind... 

Episode 70: Ready For Round Two

Didn’t get enough of our annual Sexpisode? Luckily Three Patch Podcast has found their second wind…


A discussion of our favorite fic tropes
An interview with the creators of an upcoming Johnlock short film, Sherlock Holmes and the Furtive Festivity
A truly insane amount of ships with AmytheElder
Squee about Bearded!John
An interview about fandom and consent with Milena Popova
Rupert Graves Squee Fest
5+1 Study in Fanfic
Top Tens & more!

Segment timestamps:

0:00:25 – Host Opening
0:12:47 – Coroner’s Report
0:18:57 – Dallas Tribute
0:19:50 – Sexy Fic Tropes
0:50:31 – Short Podcast Syndrome PSA
0:51:53 – Sherlock and the Furtive Festivity Interview
1:27:27 – Extreme Multishipping Interview with Amythe3lder
1:40:32 – Mycroft’s Top Ten Favorite Forms of Delayed Gratification
1:41:49 – That’s My Genre: Bearded!John
2:10:29 – Consent in Fandom Interview with Milena Popova
2:50:26 – Top Ten Substances Used for Lube in 221B
2:51:35 – Rupert Graves Squee Fest
3:23:23 – A Study in Fanfic: About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki
3:48:14 – Top Ten Fantasies of DI Lestrade
3:49:24 – That’s My Division
4:02:22 – Post Mortem

Shownotes, contact details, and credits below.


Host Opening (0:00:25)

Consulting Fans: Caroline, B, Cookie, Editor: Sunday

PodCon 2017 — December 9-10, TPP will be there! Will you?
NaNoWriMo resources

Sherlonano on Twitter and Tumblr
Sherlonano resources
FAN/FIC Magazine on Twitter
NaNoWordSprints on Twitter

TPP Forums are closing
Fan of newsletters? Sign up for the Three Patch Times now!


Coroner’s Report (0:12:47)

Consulting Fan/Producer/Editor: Smirk

All the news that’s fit to fandom

General Sherlock news

#SherlockLive Lovie (12)
Will Oswald Cymru

Sherlock fandom news

Fandom Loves Puerto Rico
NASA loves Sherlock Holmes, too (12)
Book Illustration Competition (12)
Fan Conventions papers

Benedict Cumberbatch

Patrick Melrose first look
Current War release delay (12)
Thor Ragnorak poster
The Child in Time UK DVD release
TBK Charity Day (1234)
Anno’s Africa card (12)
Buy Ben’s shoes for charity

Martin Freeman

Cargo reviews (12) BTS (12) and other goodies
Ghost Stories reviews and larger release (123)
Labour of Love media coverage (1234), fan snaps (12345), and fanart
Snappy clothing FTW (1234)
Black Panther trailer
UN Refugee charity gala (12)

Loo Brealey

At Wales ComiCon in December
A Discover of Witches BTS snaps (12)

Rupert Graves

Tea With A View event (1234)

Andrew Scott

King Lear
Talking Statues
Out supporting theatre (12)

Mark Gatiss

League of Gentlemen (12)
Gunpowder (12)

Alistair Petrie
Harry Tuffin
Lara Pulver
Yasmin Akram


Dallas Tribute (0:18:57)

Consulting Fans: B, Producer/Editor: Chelsea, B


The Trevor Project


The Trevor Project Resources
National Suicide Prevention
Crisis Text Hotline


Sexy Fic Tropes (0:19:50)

Consulting Fans, Emma, Sunday Duck, Vex, and Science

Producer/Editor: Emma Grant

We’ve all got ’em – those bulletproof fave tropes for sexy fic, the ones you’ll click on every time they pop up in the tags, even though you know how it’s going to go.

Inspired by this twitter thread
Sunday Duck’s recs

Heart on a String by AngelSpirit
Loop and Button by berlynn_wohl
Echoes Through Time by chellefic
Fic by Sexxica

Vex’s recs:

Signed in Love by jberry
The Company He Keeps by wibblywobblytimeywimeystuff
What You Want by songlin
Bleed So Pretty Fightlock series by PoppyAlexander
Filthy/Gorgeous by MirabileLectu
Bought & Paid For by wendy marlowe
Hunger Pangs by keelywolfe
The Newlywed Game: Johnlock Edition by pattern of defiance
Underscored by IrisWallpaper

Science’s recs:

Colors – Quesarasara
Cutthroat Bitch fanvid – Always 1895
The Norwood Love Builders by Flawedamythyst
The Red Box by Cleo2010

Emma’s “give a friend a hand” fic: Kind of Blue


TPP: The Cure for Short Podcast Syndrome (0:50:31)

Consulting Fan/Producer/Editor: Smirk

Soothing background music can be found here


Sherlock Holmes and the Furtive Festivity – Interview (0:51:53)

Consulting Fans: Chelsea Producer/Editor: Chelsea, Vex

Chelsea interviews the team behind a new short film produced by students at Point Park University.

Sherlock PPU twitter
Indiegogo fundraiser campaign
Sherlock PPU tumblr
Sherlock PPU facebook


Extreme Multishipping Interview with Amythe3lder (1:27:27)

Consulting Fans: Smirk, Amythe3lder, Producer: Smirk, Editor: Smirk

Join us for a discussion of Amythe3lder’s rather…comprehensive list of possible BBC Sherlock ships.

Spreadsheet of ships
Twitter moments (123)


Mycroft’s Top Ten Favorite Forms of Delayed Gratification (1:40:32)

Consulting Fan: Alexxphoenix42


That’s My Genre: Bearded!John (1:41:49)

Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42,B, Cookie, Smirk, Producer/Editor: Alexx

Smirk’s recs

Beard Contest art by reapersun
Captains of Industry series by 221b_hound
The List by distantstarlight
Closer by hungryhippo_11 (reader/Martin Freeman)
Fuzz by chibistarlyte
Façade by distantstarlight
Guide to types of gay men

B’s recs

Northwest Passage by Kryptaria

Cookie’s recs

Lumberjack art by thetwelfthpanda (neetols)
Follow Me Down by 221BeStillMyHeart
Beg for Mercy (Twice) by Solitary_Endeavor

Alexx’s recs

Freebeard gif set posted by rominatrix
The Imposter by PoppyAlexander
Yachtdaddy photo manips by 221b-carefulwhatyouwishfor
Of Razors, Pipes, Red Notebooks and Rugby Jerseys, Or: Sherlock Doesn’t Like His Doctors Clean Shaven by allonsys_girl
Five-Day Shadow by justacookieofacumberbatch
Breck 1080 by orphan_account
Love Your Daddy by Roses_bees_deer
The Shape of the World Around Us by Salambo06
Upon Reflection, Tenable Frippery by emmagrant01


Interview on Consent in Fandom with Milena Popova (2:10:29)

Consulting Fans: Milena, Finnagain, Producer: Finnagain, Editor: Caroline

Finn interviews fan studies scholar Milena Popova about consent, fanfic, and what we can learn from dubcon.

Milena on twitter @elmyra and their ko-fi page: http://ko-fi.com/elmyra
Letter from Warner Brothers to The Restricted Section (Harry Potter fanfic)
Papers on Consent negotiations by college students:

Jozkowski, K. N., Sanders, S., Peterson, Z. D., Dennis, B., & Reece, M. (2014). Consenting to sexual activity: The development and psychometric assessment of dual measures of consent. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(3), 437–450. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-013-0225-7
Jozkowski, K. N., & Peterson, Z. D. (2013). College Students and Sexual Consent: Unique Insights. Journal of Sex Research, 50(6), 517–523. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2012.700739

Research covering young people and online pornography, specifically:

Livingstone, S. et al., 2014. Net Children Go Mobile: The UK Report, London.
Livingstone, S. et al., 2010. Risks and safety for children on the internet: the UK report, London.

XVII by stereobone, Thor/Loki  fic featuring Arranged Marriage
Slick by Jay Tryfanstone (tryfanstone) Supernatural RPF, WARNING: NSFW Rape/NonCon


Top Ten Substances Used for Lube in 221B (2:50:26)

Consulting Fan: Caroline


Rupert Graves Squee Fest (2:51:35)

Consulting Fans: RedscuderyUndun-duzWastingyourgum, Drinkingcocoa, Producer: Drinkingcocoa, Editor: Drinkingcocoa

Four fans from three continents rave over the spectacular sexiness of Rupert Graves.

Feast your eyes on photos of this beautiful man.

Wearing cricket pads. Save the rainforest!
As Arkady Dragutin
In Wallander
Looking at a moth
With Una Stubbs’ hat
Rupert Graves sprawls. It’s a good look.
Clowning behind the scenes
Sometimes the hair is opinionated
A second opinion
Oct 2017 anniversary of A Room with a View
Gifset: Lestrade is shippable with so many people
From The Family

Just because you don’t want to fuck Rupert Graves, it doesn’t upset him. Evening Standard interview, 2002.
GravesDiggers, the Rupert Graves tumblr run by Wastingyourgum
Undun-duz’s portraits of Rupert Graves (123)
Undun-duz’s caricature drawn especially for this roundtable
Edinburgh Single Father promo shot
Air Force One is Down – Arkady Dragutin promo
Sasha Gustov photoshoot, 1994
Native stills
The Lake Bled photos
Swimming with Men
Alec Scudder
More Alec Scudder
The ‘quotes about’ Rupert tag
The ‘quotes by’ Rupert tag 
SDCC 2015 Sherlock panel


A Study in Fanfic: About Sleep, and Coffee and the Existence of Fate (3:23:23)

Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42, Johnlocked, Sassy, Producer: Alexxphoenix42, Editor: Caroline

Consulting fans discuss this 5+1 Johnlock fic with all the squee of

About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki


Top Ten Fantasies of DI Lestrade (3:48:14)

Consulting Fan: Vex


That’s My Division (3:49:24)

This month, following our fifth sexpisode: 5+1s, morning after fics, and anything to do with refractory periods.

Caroline’s recs

The Refractive Index, by nostraightline
The Case of the Vanishing Pants, by swissmiss
Public Sex Kink series, by silentauror

In Plain Sight

Six Dates, by avawtsn

Smirk’s rec

Isn’t There Something in Living Dangerously, by astudyinrose

Alexxphoenix42’s recs

Five Times by strangegibbon
Alternative Facts by SwissMiss
Five Times Mycroft Didn’t Let Greg See Him Naked And One Time He Did by what_on_io
Sociopathy and Other Fibs by kinklock
The Hedgehog’s Dilemma by moonblossom
All In One Night by TeaHouseMoon

Johnlocked’s rec

The Doctor’s Prescription (Or: Five Times Sherlock Didn’t Say Anything And One Time He Did), by patternofdefiance
[Podfic] The Doctor’s Prescription (Or: Five Times Sherlock Didn’t Say Anything and One Time He Did), read by consulting_smartass


Post Mortem (4:02:22)

Consulting Fans: Caroline, B, Cookie, Editor: Sunday

Cereal Killer Bowl from ideduceyou/Summer
Tumblr comment from Sarahthecoat
Twitter comments from

An anonymous listener!

“Therapeutic Sherlocking” blog post from Brad Keefauver of Sherlock Peoria
Sherlockian podcast blog post from Rob Nunn of Interesting Though Elementary


Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.three-patch.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threepatchpodcast

Skype: threepatch.podcast

Twitter: https://twitter.com/threepatch

Tumblr: http://threepatchpodcast.tumblr.com/

Production Credits

Episode Producer: B

Episode Audio Editor: Caroline

Banner Art: Fox Estacado

Distribution funded by fans!

Music Credit

Unless otherwise indicated, all music is available for purchase through online retailers such as amazon.com and iTunes.

Show Intro – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Opening Titles
Coroner’s Report – Breaking News: Eye on the World Broadcast News
Sexy Fic Tropes – Miike Snow, iii: Genghis Khan
Interview with Sherlock and the Furtive Festivity – Elvis Costello, My Aim is True: Watching the Detectives
Interview with Amythe3lder – Dido, Life for Rent: White Flag
That’s My Genre: Bearded!John – The Bandettes, Take Me Home: The Beard Song
Interview with Milena Popova – The Quantic Soul Orchestra, Stampede: Hold it Down
Rupert Graves Squee – Hot Chocolate, Hot Chocolate:  You Sexy Thing
A Study in Fanfic – Cake, Fashion Nugget: Open Book
That’s My Division – John Coltrane, My Favorite Things [Deluxe Edition]: My Favorite Things, Part 1
Show Outro – Bee Gees, Saturday Night Fever [The Original Movie Soundtrack]: Stayin’ Alive

How to Cite


Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2017, November 1). Ready For Round Two [Episode 70]. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from https://three-patch.com///2017/11/01/episode-70

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