Welcome to the TPP Coffeeshop! What can we get for you today? Our specials include:

Coffeeshop/Fluff RT - Johnlock Edition with Alexx, Chelsea, Science, and Prettysailorsoldier talking about their favorite fluffy moments and coffeeshop AUs.
Caroline interviews Michelle about Batch of Kindness, her kindess project for Cumberbatch's birthday.
Top Ten Coffeeshop Moments with Alexx
A rec from Chelsea about 221b_hound's pastiche, Adventure of the Colonial Boy
Stats on coffeeshop AU's with Caroline & Finn
A serious discussion on Privilege and Prejudice in Fandom with Shannon, earlgreytea68, Elizabeth Minkel & Finn.
Order up!

Episode 51: Three Shot Latte – The Official TPP Coffeeshop AU 

Welcome to the TPP Coffeeshop! What can we get for you today? Our specials include:

Coffeeshop/Fluff RT – Johnlock Edition with Alexx, Chelsea, Science, and Prettysailorsoldier talking about their favorite fluffy moments and coffeeshop AUs.
Caroline interviews Michelle about Batch of Kindness, her kindness project for Cumberbatch’s birthday.
Top Ten Coffeeshop Moments with Alexx
A rec from Chelsea about 221b_hound‘s pastiche, Adventure of the Colonial Boy
Stats on coffeeshop AU’s with Caroline & Finn
A serious discussion on Privilege and Prejudice in Fandom with Shannon, earlgreytea68, Elizabeth Minkel & Finn.

Order up!

Segment timestamps:

0:00:25 – Host Opening

0:10:59 – Coroner’s Report

0:15:57 – Coffee Shop/Fluff RT

0:43:32 – Batch of Kindness Interview

1:01:20 – Top Ten Coffee Shop Moments

1:03:04 – Adventure of the Colonial Boy Rec

1:06:20 – Coffee Shop AU Stats

1:28:52 – Leviosa Promo

1:33:34 – Privilege and Prejudice in Fandom

2:09:49 – That’s My Division

2:26:58 – Post Mortem

Shownotes, contact details, and credits below.


Host Opening (0:00:25)

Consulting Fans: Rachael, Qui, Alexxphoenix42

Producer/Editor: Qui

The article: http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2016/05/30/fandom-is-broken
Plaidadder: http://plaidadder.tumblr.com/post/145947685009/on-conflict-fanfiction-violence-and-whats-real
Daily Dot: http://www.dailydot.com/geek/fandom-harassment-captain-america-ghostbusters-devin-faraci/

Coroner’s Report (0:10:59)

Consulting Fan: Alexxphoenix42

Sacha Dawan joins Sherlock
Team Sherlock support Switchboard [1] [2]
Cumberbatch in We Stand With Refugees Video
Funco Pop Dr. Strange figure [1] [2]
Zoolander 2 – All outtake footage [1] [2]
Martin Freeman attends South Bank Sky Arts Awards [1] [2]
Freeman and rumors for movie – “Black Panther”
Steven Moffat – Dr. Who offered role to black actor
Mark Gatiss appears at London Gay Pride event [1] [2] [3]
Yee choreography for Andrew Scott article
Andrew Scott – interview in Irish Mirror
Andrew Scott’s movie – Swallows and Amazons trailer
Lara Pulver’s movie – A Patch of Fog review
Cumberbatch turns 40 – Donate to charity for Cumberbatch’s birthday
Join Consulting Gamers – [1]

Coffee Shop/Fluff RT: Johnlock Edition (0:15:57)

Consulting Fans: Alexx, Chelsea, prettysailorsoldier, Science

Producer: // Editor: Chelsea // Drinkingcocoa

What The Greats Wrote About by orphan_account
Notes in the Tip Jar by Lakeor
Never Again, Vienna by orphan_account
A Whole Latte Love  by prettysailorsoldier
Crossing Paths by prettysailorsoldier
Johnloctober by prettysailorsoldier
Blond Barista Seeks Dashing Ballet Dancer: Inquire Within  by prettysailorsoldier

Batch of Kindness Interview (0:43:32)

Consulting Fans: Caroline, Michelle

Producer: // Editor: Caroline

Batch of Kindness: on twitter, tumblr, facebook, and instagram
#batchofkindness on July 19th, Benedict’s birthday

Top Ten Coffee Shop Moments (1:01:20)

Consulting Fans: Alexx

Producer: // Editor: Alexx

Adventure of the Colonial Boy Rec (1:03:04)

Consulting Fans: Chelsea

Producer: // Editor: Chelsea

The Adventure of the Colonial Boy on amazon
221b_hound’s ao3 profile

Coffee Shop AU Stats (1:06:20)

Consulting Fans: Finn, Caroline

Producer: // Editor: Finn

Coffeeshop AU stats
Background noise by radames shared on freesound.org under CC Attribution Noncommercial License.

Leviosa Promo (1:28:52)

Consulting Fans: Emma, Drinkingcocoa, Fox

Producer: // Editor: Emma


Privilege and Prejudice in Fandom (1:33:34)

Consulting Fans: Shannon, Finn, Earlgreytea68, Elizabeth Minkel 

Producer: // Editor: Shannon // Emma

Fansplaining -The podcast by, about, and for fandom, hosted by Flourish Klink & Elizabeth
The Rec Center
“My words stayed in folders”: life as a fandom lurker by Elizabeth Minkel
Fandom is Broken by Devin Faraci
Entitled by Elizabeth Minkel
Entitled (follow up) by destinationtoast and Elizabeth Minkel
Things I Missed Yesterday While Living My Life and Then Reading Fluff Fic by earlgreytea68
Coffee Shop AU on Fanlore
I’ve Got Nothing to Do Today But Smile (The Only Living Boy in New York) by gyzym
Café Oo by lonelywalker
Ten Cups of Coffee (A Love Story) by harriet_vane
Pentanedione, Damascenone, Furanone, Vanillin by peevee
Two creams, one sugar by underwater_owl
It Just Sort of Happened by earlgreytea68
Pumpkin Spice Latte by earlgreytea68
Long Live the Coffee Shop AU on Ao3

Supplemental Research Articles

Ang, I. (1988). Feminist Desire and Female Pleasure: On Janice Radway’s Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy and Popular Literature (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1984). Camera Obscura, 6(1 16), 179-190.
Busse, K. (2013). Geek hierarchies, boundary policing, and the gendering of the good fan. Participations, 10(1), 73-91.
Kidd, D. C., & Castano, E. (2013). Reading literary fiction improves theory of mind. Science, 342(6156), 377-380.
Mar, R. A., Oatley, K., & Peterson, J. B. (2009). Exploring the link between reading fiction and empathy: Ruling out individual differences and examining outcomes. Communications, 34(4), 407-428.
Sauro, S., & Sundmark, B. (2016). Report from Middle Earth: Fan fiction tasks in the EFL classroom. ELT Journal. doi 10.1093/elt/ccv075
Stanfill, M. (2013) “They’re Losers, but I Know Better”: Intra-Fandom Stereotyping and the Normalization of the Fan Subject, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 30:2, 117-134

That’s My Division (2:09:49)

Producer: Caroline

Caroline’s recs

Pentanedione, Damascenone, Furanone, Vanillin, by peevee
No Ordinary Cats, by philalethia


Upside Down And All Around, by sheerrloockk
Four Shots, by OPY3332
Coffee shop AU, by fresne
Division, by MrsNoggin
The Shop Boy, by EventHorizon
Recette Du Jour, by Odamaki

Chelsea’s rec

Captains of Industry, by 221b_hound

Cupidford’s recs

Notes in the Tip Jar, by lakeore
Caffeine and Adaptive Processing, by demonicsymphony

Science’s recs

Measure of a Gentleman, by I_ship_an_armada
Suite for Violin and Clarinet, by AwkwardAnnie
Slowly, by sweetcupncakes
where the good things grow, by anchors
guilty pleasures (skew the dataset), by hitlikehammers
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me, by blessedjessed

Post Mortem (2:26:58)

Consulting Fans: Alexx, Rachel, Qui

Producer/Editor: Qui


Forum: http://www.three-patch.com/forums

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.three-patch.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threepatchpodcast

LJ: http://threepatch.livejournal.com

Skype: threepatch.podcast

Twitter: https://twitter.com/threepatch

Tumblr: http://threepatchpodcast.tumblr.com/

Production Credits

Episode Producer: B & Fox

Episode Audio Editor: Caroline

Banner Art: Fox Estacado

Distribution funded by fans!

Music Credit

Unless otherwise indicated, all music is available for purchase through online retailers such as amazon.com and iTunes.

Show Intro – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Opening Titles
Coroner’s Report – Breaking News: Eye on the World Broadcast News
Coffee Shop/Fluff – Nat King Cole: You’re the Cream in My Coffee
Batch of Kindness – Two Door Cinema Club, Tourist History: Something Good Can Come
Adventure of the Colonial Boy Rec – Men at Work: Down Under
Leviosa – Elvis Presley: Viva Las Vegas
Privilege and Prejudice – Grace, ft. G-Eazy, Memo: You Don’t Own Me
That’s My Division – John Coltrane, My Favorite Things [Deluxe Edition]: My Favorite Things, Part 1
Show Outro – Bee Gees, Saturday Night Fever [The Original Movie Soundtrack]: Stayin’ Alive

How to Cite


Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2016, July 1). Three Shot Latte – The Official TPP Coffeeshop AU [Episode 51]. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from https://three-patch.com///2016/07/01/episode-51/


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