Three Patch Podcast Episode 116: In which we share 221B Con fun, talk pirate fandoms and threadfics on Twitter, and read some fanfic about the Ever Given. Yes, really.

In which we share 221B Con fun, talk pirate fandoms and threadfics on Twitter, and read some fanfic about the Ever Given. Yes, really.

Segment timestamps:

0:00:25 Host Opening
0:17:12 221B Con Panel: Every Fandom is a Self-Portrait
0:53:33 Interstitial: Ever Given Canal Sex a Try?
1:00:01 Pegging Sherlock: Piratelock!
1:30:10 Roundtable: Twitter Threadfic
2:09:11 Interstitial: Warning: There May Be Shipping Costs
2:11:46 FOI: Black Sails
2:35:18 Interstitial: Sounding Out the Depths
2:39:07 Reaction RT: The Irregulars
3:07:39 Interstitial: I Stand Alone
3:08:59 That’s My Division
3:21:51 Post Mortem

Shownotes, contact details, and credits below.


Host Opening (0:00:25)↑ 
Consulting Fans: Johnlocked, Drinkingcocoa, EmmaGrant, Finnagain, Science, Producer: Johnlocked, Editor: Caroline

221B Con homepage

221B Con Panel: Every Fandom is a Self-Portrait ([skipto time=”0:17:12″])
Consulting Fans: Drinkingcocoa, Emmagrant01, Johnlocked, Producer: Finnagain, Editor: Caroline
During virtual 221B Con, fans gather to discuss what we loved about BBC Sherlock, what fandoms we entered after BBC Sherlock, and whether there’s any connection between the two.

Interstitial: Ever Given Canal Sex a Try? ([skipto time=”0:53:33″])
Read by: Finnagain
Ever Given Canal Sex A Try? by NukesAudios

Pegging Sherlock: Piratelock! ([skipto time=”1:00:01″])
Consulting Fans: ishipanarmada, Charcubed, Shiny Sherlock, Anarfea, finnagain, Producer: foxestacado, Editor: finnagain
Piratelore enthusiasts interpret Sherlock characters by the lives they could have lived on the high seas during the Golden Age of Piracy.

A Further Sea by i_ship_an_armada, ShinySherlock (locked) 
The Pirate and The Doctor by PetraTodd
The Lydia Chronicles by out_there (Series)
Riptide Lover by jinglebell (locked)

Roundtable: Twitter Threadfic (1:30:10)
Consulting Fans: Emma Grant, Juli, Suspup, Producer/Editor: Emma Grant
Why are people writing so much fanfic on Twitter these days?

Emma’s recs:

Twitter fic by @wwxwashere:  wei ying who swears to be straight but puts “suck a dick” on his bucket list because “we gotta live a little, yk? ahaha”
Twitter fic by @varnesbutworse:  love 2 think about a story where wwx texts lwj a morning selfie with bite marks after the first time lwj gets drunk & lwj just … assumes they fucked & is like well, this isn’t how i wanted to begin this but at least it’s begun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. he shows up at wwx’s house (lots of rts of cql-centric threadfics)

Juli’s recs:

Marvel Media (tumblr) – (almost?) exclusively twitter screenshots
Marvel Social Media AU (tumblr) – mostly twitter screenshots
Young Avengers Twitter (tumblr) – exclusively twitter screenshots
Social Media Fics Multifandom Collection (ao3) – like 70% twitter fics maybe

Sus’ recs:

The Sugar Daddy Fic by @dailyibo: wangxian socmed au where wei wuxian gets himself a sugar daddy and lan wangji finds a friend
Twitter fic by @trickybonmot: In Caiyi town, there is a bridge, a high, picturesque arch, bustling by day. By night, a quiet place to stand and contemplate the moon. Tonight, a boat passing beneath might catch sight of two figures at its peak. 
Twitter fic by @tiptoe39: date is gorgeous. Gorgeous, but he doesn’t have much to say. Wei Ying peeks over the edge of his menu and examines that unsmiling face.
Twitter fic by @isocrime: okay okay ok ok ok, so, post-canon nhs is a wreck, right? ten years chasing a terrible revenge, sick with the knowledge that if he can tear down jin guangyao he can destroy anyone and anything. the triumph drains out of him. he’s afraid of the man he’ll become if he continues
Twitter thread of twitter fics by @crowkids

Interstitial: Warning: There May Be Shipping Costs (2:09:11)
Read by: Emma Grant
Warning: There May Be Shipping Costs by thenewdarling

FOI: Black Sails (2:11:46)
Consulting Fans: Anarfea, IShipAnArmada, Charcubed, elinorgray, Producer: Science, Editor: DrinkingCocoa
A discussion about why we love the Starz historical pirate series Black Sails.

The Butterscotch series coffeeshop AU recced by IShipAnArmada
Black Sails fic recs list by Charcubed
Charcubed’s Black Sails-focused Twitter and Tumblr 
Charcubed’s playlist of favorite Black Sails edits on YouTube
ACD Sherlock Holmes + Black Sails crossover fic Sherlock Holmes & the Lord in Disgrace, recced by Charcubed

Interstitial: Sounding Out the Depths (2:35:18)
Read by: Science
Sounding out the Depths by buckybleeds

Reaction RT: The Irregulars (2:39:07)
Consulting Fans: Hope, Emma Grant, finnagain, Science, Johnlocked, and others! Producer/ Editor: Hope
Sherlock fans react to the first episode of the new Netflix series, The Irregulars 

The Irregulars on Netflix

Interstitial: I Stand Alone (3:07:39)
Read by: Johnlocked
i stand alone by shrimpuu

That’s My Division ([skipto time=”3:08:59″])
Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42, Juli, Emma Grant, Producer/Editor: Alexxphoenix42
Ahoy mateys, we spy a treasure trove of pirate-themed fics to ship your way this month.


A Safe Prisoner of His Fate by out_there (Mystrade)
The Silver Privateer by fabricdragon (Mystrade)
This Weather by quixoticlie (Johnlock)
Captain Redbeard by grimmfairy (Johnlock)
The Bells at the Top of the World by bittergreens (Johnlock)
Stolen Night by janto321 (Johnlock)


BukM’aih by Lalaith_Quetzalli (Star Trek AOS/Reboot 2009)
Space Pirates Without the Space Part by hopeless_eccentric (The Penumbra Podcast)
The Penumbra Podcast


Treasure by ElDiablito_SF (Untamed/MDZS)
A Pirate’s Life For Me by chocoholic2 (Check Please)
world gone blind by draftlottery (Hockey RPF)
Full Moon by firesignwriter (POTC)

Post Mortem ([skipto time=”3:21:51″])
Consulting Fans: EmmaGrant, Drinkingcocoa, Finnagain, Science, Producer: Johnlocked, Editor: Caroline


Email: [email protected]

Production Credits
Episode Producer: Fox Estacado and Emma Grant
Episode Audio Editor: Johnlocked
Banner Art: Fox Estacado
Distribution funded by fans!

Music Credit
Unless otherwise indicated, all music is available for purchase through online retailers such as and iTunes.

Show Intro – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Opening Titles
221B Con Panel – Mama Cass: Make Your Own Kind of Music
Pegging Sherlock: Piratelock – Kingdom Hearts OST: Yo, Ho! (A Pirate’s Life For Me); Great Big Sea, The Hard and the Easy: Captain Kidd
Twitter fic RT – Donny Brewer: The Twitter Song
FOI: Black Sails – Bear McCreary: Black Sails OST
Reaction RT: The Irregulars – Paul Haslinger, The Irregulars OST: The Irregulars (Main Theme)
Interstitial: Sounding Out the Depths – EasyViolinLesson: How to play Never Gonna Give You Up (Rick Roll) by Rick Astley on Violin (Tutorial); Constantine Bard: Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up (Medieval Style Cover, Bardcore)
Interstitial: i stand alone – Algal the Bard: The Wellerman Sea Shanty (instrumental)
That’s My Division – John Coltrane, My Favorite Things [Deluxe Edition]: My Favorite Things, Part 1
Show Outro – Bee Gees, Saturday Night Fever [The Original Movie Soundtrack]: Stayin’ Alive

How to Cite

By Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2021, May 1). Ever Giving Fandom: a fandom life for me! [Episode 116]. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from

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