In which we start out tackling villains in Sherlock and end up grappling with a global pandemic. Consulting fans discuss quarantining through Sherlock characters, explore darkfic as a genre, check in on other fans during this pandemic crisis, offer up Criminal Minds as a fandom of interest, and generally try to cope with social isolation through fandom and community.

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Episode 103: Good Old Fashioned Villain

In which we start out tackling villains in Sherlock and end up grappling with a global pandemic. Consulting fans discuss quarantining through Sherlock characters, explore darkfic as a genre, check in on other fans during this pandemic crisis, offer up Criminal Minds as a fandom of interest, and generally try to cope with social isolation through fandom and community.

Segment timestamps:

0:00:39 – Host Opening0:31:54 – Fandemic check-ins 10:53:46 – Top Ten Worst Crimes in BBC Sherlock0:54:46 – Criminal Minds FOI1:10:55 – Jokes 11:11:53 – Fandemic check-ins 21:30:55 – Quarantine Roundtable2:09:20 – Top Ten Embarrassingly Bad Crimes Committed by BBC Sherlock Characters2:11:20 – Fandemic check-ins 32:34:30 – That’s My Genre: Darkfic3:26:35 – Jokes 23:27:14 – That’s My Division3:47:02 – Post Mortem

Shownotes, contact details, and credits below.


Host Opening (0:00:00)
Consulting Fans: Johnlocked, Alexxphoenix42, Cumbercookie, Producer: Johnlocked, Editor: SundayDuck

Isolated Johnlock CollectionFTH’s Fandom CDC announcement & spreadsheet

Fandemic check-ins 1 (0:31:54)
Consulting Fans: Awellkeptsecret, Mads, Producer: finnagain
We check in with fandom artist Awellkeptsecret and nurse Mads on how their pandemic is going.

Top Ten Worst Crimes in BBC Sherlock (0:53:46)
Contributed by: Science
Read by: Science

Criminal Minds FOI (0:54:46)
Consulting Fans: Cumbercookie, JCF, SassyAceAri, Producer: Cumbercookie, Editor: Cumbercookie
Three long time Criminal Minds fans reminisce about the good old days and take solace in the comfort of a long loved television show.

Matthew Gray Gubler’s Website

Jokes 1 (1:10:55)
Contributed by: Chriscalledmesweetie
Read by: Johnlocked

Fandemic check-ins 2 (1:11:53)
Consulting Fans: Hesaiddangerous, Science, Producer: finnagain
We check in with hospital administrator Hesaiddangerous and working-under-a-four-year-old Scienceofobsession.

Arthur Shappy returns in Cabin Fever on John Finnemore’s YouTube

Quarantine Roundtable (1:30:55)
Consulting Fans: Johnlocked, Drinkingcocoa, Cumbercookie, Producer/Editor: Johnlocked
What’s life like for our favorite BBC Sherlock characters amidst the current pandemic? Consulting fans share how they’re doing in lockdown, quarantine headcanons, as well as fic recs related to isolation.

Drinkingcocoa’s handmade masks (x, x, x, x) and instructionsJohnlocked’s recipe threadsCabin Fever on John Finnemore’s YouTube

Fic Recs:

Proving A Point by elldotsee and J_Baillier, podfic by Podfixx The Vapor Variant by 88thParallel, podfic by LockedinjohnlockSnow, Tea, and Solitude by MildredandbobbinEvidence of Human Life by thesardine, podfic by magicranberriesCloseted by Sussexbound, podfic by Lockedinjohnlock Northwest Passage by Kryptaria, podfic by LockedinjohnlockIsolated Johnlock Collection (also contains some mystrade fics)Lock Down Fest collection (multifandom)221B Quarantine collection (Sherlock fandoms)Finally Fine by indigospacehopperQuarantine by wendymarlowe, podfic by PodfixxThe Healing Power of Love by EventHorizonSoft Comfort by janto321blackberry ink by whisperedsilversQuarantine by MaybeSherlockWe Find Ourselves Inside by KimberlyAlexis

Top Ten Embarrassingly Bad Crimes Committed by BBC Sherlock Characters (2:09:20)
Contributed by: Cumbercookie, Johnlocked, Alexx, Science, BaronVonBork (via Twitter)
Read by: Science

Fandemic check-ins 3 (2:11:20)
Consulting Fans: Tiltedsyllogism, Sundayduck, Producer: finnagain
We check in with Ethics Professor Tiltedsyllogism and full-time physical distancing Sundayduck.

FTH’s Fandom CDC announcement & spreadsheet

That’s My Genre: Darkfic (2:34:30)
Consulting Fans: Caroline, Alexphoenixx42, Anarfea, Iwantthatcoat, Producer:/Editor: Caroline
What draws people to write and read themes of a darker nature? Several authors discuss on the podcast.

Darkfic article on FanloreDrouk, by merripestinAnything You Need, by anarfeaOn the Subject of Noncon Fanworks: Thoughts of a Reader, Writer, Survivor, by anarfeaParadox series, by wordstringsFraterfamilias, by anarfeaVirgin, by iwantthatcoatRadioactive Trees in a Red Forest, by maribor_petrichorLessons in Astronomy series, by caitlinfairchildApokalypsis, by songlinThe Anatomist by rosa_acicularisThe undone and the divine by ElixirBB Sherlolly, Molliarty, Molly/MoranThe Crucible, by nocturniasBlack Cat by CatieBrieBlood Brothers by dioscureantwinsBitch, by fireofangelsDown, by emmagrant01Secondhand Smoke, by mangomartiniThe Flight, by ficklepigIn the Cannibal Glow, by songlinA Thorough Examination / In Depth, by emungereNewSub!John Headspace series, by mugenmineBitch, by fireofangelsBred, by fireofangelsNight Terror, by s0mmerspr0ssen

Jokes 2 (3:26:35)
Contributed by: Chriscalledmesweetie
Read by: Johnlocked

That’s My Division (3:27:14)
Consulting Fans: Alexxphoenix42, Iwantthatcoat, Cumbercookie, Johnlocked, Anarfea, Caroline, Producer/Editor: Alexx
Our fic recs this month venture into the shadows to explore the baddies, and the dark sides of Sherlock.

Alexxphoenix42 Desires of the Blood by jbluphinFade To Black by twistedthicket1The Rules of Fair Play Do Not Apply  by orphan_account iwantthatcoat A Study in Emerald by Neil GaimanIrresistible by MangoMartiniThe Cinnamon Peeler by coloredink[Podfic] The Cinnamon Peeler Series by RsCreightonCumbercookie Vault by masterofall14Encounter by s0mmerspr0ssenThe Heart of a Pirate by StarlightAndFireflies Johnlocked Fraterfamilias by AnarfeaAngels Under Fire by CatieBrie Anarfea Wet to My Touch by SplixBlood Brothers by dioscureantwinsThe Crucible by nocturnias Caroline Aggressive Mimicry by etothepiiMutual Parasitism by etothepii

Post Mortem (3:47:02)
Consulting Fans: Johnlocked, Alexxphoenix42, Cumbercookie, Producer: Johnlocked, Editor: SundayDuck

She Changes Everything She Touches by chriscalledmesweetie April Fools by chriscalledmesweetie with podfic by iamjohnlocked4life


Email: [email protected]
Skype: threepatch.podcast
TPP Discord invite

Production Credits
Episode Producer: Caroline and Cumbercookie
Episode Audio Editor: finnagain
Banner Art: Fox Estacado
Distribution funded by fans!

Music Credit
Unless otherwise indicated, all music is available for purchase through online retailers such as and iTunes.

Show Intro – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Opening TitlesFandemic Check-ins – Trap Music Party: Skype Call Remix (youtube)That’s My Genre: Darkfic – Billie Eilish, you should see me in a crown: you should see me in a crownFandoms of Interest – David Arnold and Michael Price, Sherlock: Original Television Soundtrack Music From Series One: Back to WorkQuarantine Roundtable – John Lennon, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band: Isolation; Joy Division, Closer: Isolation; Billy Idol, Dancing with Myself: Dancing with MyselfThat’s My Division – John Coltrane, My Favorite Things [Deluxe Edition]: My Favorite Things, Part 1Show Outro – Bee Gees, Saturday Night Fever [The Original Movie Soundtrack]: Stayin’ Alive

How to Cite
By Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2020, April 1). Good Old Fashioned Villain [Episode 103]. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from

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