Exclusive from Mr. J. Medeiros – Friends Enemies Apples Apples (Free All Day This Friday Today Only) @MrJMedeiros?|?Triple H Mixtapes

Our purpose is to provide Hip Hop/Rap music of quality with substance. Download as many Christian Hip Hop and Gospel Rap mixtapes* as often as you like. In return, all we ask is that you share this site with others who may enjoy it. Support our artists by purchasing their retail albums. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest mixtape posting. Download the mixtapes and free albums, make copies and pass them out to your friends and family. Blessings.

* These are for promotional use only so do not attempt to sell them as that would be a violation and breach of trust.
Triple H Mixtapes?|?Free Christian Hip Hop Mixtapes & Promotional Albums Another JEM Stone Ministries site Triple H Mixtapes?|?Free Christian Hip Hop Mixtapes & Promotional Albums Another JEM Stone Ministries site

Our purpose is to provide Hip Hop/Rap music of quality with substance. Download as many Christian Hip Hop and Gospel Rap mixtapes* as often as you like. In return, all we ask is that you share this site with others who may enjoy it. Support our artists by purchasing their retail albums. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest mixtape posting. Download the mixtapes and free albums, make copies and pass them out to your friends and family. Blessings.

* These are for promotional use only so do not attempt to sell them as that would be a violation and breach of trust.
para-DOX parABLEs?|?Album & Movie Reviews, Hebraic Roots, Right Foundations, Egypt’To’Tech, Poems, Politics, Published Articles & Perspective by para-DOX Another JEM Stone Ministries site para-DOX parABLEs?|?Album & Movie Reviews, Hebraic Roots, Right Foundations, Egypt’To’Tech, Poems, Politics, Published Articles & Perspective by para-DOX Another JEM Stone Ministries site

The Mission: is to TRANSFORM ordinary people’s lives into a Lifestyle Obedient to Adonai through:
EDUCATION: in the form of Teaching the Hebraic Roots of Christianity and the Jewishness of Yeshua; Pointing people Towards Torah and The Gospels; Teach the Biblical Festivals, Biblical Halacha, & Biblical Kosher; Explaining the Spiritual Roots To Dis-ease and Teach the Keys to Health; and Exposing Pagan Influences on Society and Christianity;
INFORMATION: with Music, Movie, Product and Technology Reviews, Relevant News and Editorial Content, Conducting Podcasts and Vlogs in order to Provide Relevant and Entertaining Social Commentary; and
ENTERTAINMENT: in Promoting Positive Christian Hip Hop Artists, Labels, Mixtapes and Promotional Albums, as well as Showcasing Inspiring Artwork and Design by JAG’D Edge Media.
If you would like to invite me to speak at your school, minister at your church, outreach, perform or teach on any of the listed topics (especially on the Hebraic Roots of Christianity or Biblical Festivals) please contact me at jagdedgemedia at gmail dot com.

The Social Media Reach: According to Splinkemedia.com/JustparaDOX I have a social media network total of 14,776 (this number is actually lower than the real time totals are over 15,000) and Splink Percentile of 80% between Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace this doesn't include Linkedin, Google+, Fanbridge, Artistdata, Reverbnation or any other of the social media sites. According to Wordpress I get close 5,000 views of my blog a month at paradoxparables.wordpress.com and close to 8,000 views of my mixtape blog at triplehmixtapes.wordpress.com totaling nearly 13,000 views a month in addition to my Social Media reach that's near 28,000 people I reach in some form or another. Of course there is some crossover. Once both blogs are combined to the new JustparaDOX.com website there should be a marked increase in viewership and social media reach. It appears that my social media reach equals similar stat
JAG'D Edge Media?|?Graphic Design, Illustration & Artwork… Another JEM Stone Ministries site

I went to Brookhaven College and got a Certificate in Graphic Design. I am a Accomplished Graphic Designer, Artist and Illustrator with Desktop Publishing, Print Production, Artistic Set Design, Web Page Publishing, Banner Creation, Logo Design, Flyer Creation, Illustration, Painting, Drawing and Model Making experience.

Trained in Graphic Design, Illustration, Painting, and General Art, as well as being knowledgeable in Creative Design. With Destktop Publishing Experience along with Experience creating Webpages utilizing my knowledge of HTML, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Fireworks.

Experienced as Webmaster for para-DOX parABLEss, Triple H Mixtapes, Revival Times, JAG’D Edge Media, Revival Times Ministries, Revolution Youth Church, Dallas-Fort Worth Holy Hip Hop Alliance, and SoulFire Ministries.

Familiar with HTML, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Fireworks. Trained in HTML, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator, InDesign, and Fireworks.
Just para-DOX?|?para-DOX parABLEs: Album & Movie Reviews, Hebraic Roots, Right Foundations, Egypt'To'Tech, Poems, Politics, Published Articles & Perspective by Just para-DOX; Triple H Mixtapes: Free Christian Hip Hop Mixtapes, & Free Promotional Albums; JAGD Edge Media: Graphic Design, Illustration, & Artwork; Another Network of JEM Stone Ministries site

Home of Just para-DOX, JAGD Edge Media, para-DOX parABLEs, Triple H Mixtapes & the 3 (p) podCAST.

The Mission: is to TRANSFORM ordinary people’s lives into a Lifestyle Obedient to Adonai through:

EDUCATION: in the form of Teaching the Hebraic Roots of Christianity and the Jewishness of Yeshua; Pointing people Towards Torah and The Gospels; Teach the Biblical Festivals, Biblical Halacha, & Biblical Kosher; Explaining the Spiritual Roots To Dis-ease and Teach the Keys to Health; and Exposing Pagan Influences on Society and Christianity;
INFORMATION: with Music, Movie, Product and Technology Reviews, Relevant News and Editorial Content, Conducting Podcasts and Vlogs in order to Provide Relevant and Entertaining Social Commentary; and
ENTERTAINMENT: in Promoting Positive Christian Hip Hop Artists, Labels, Mixtapes and Promotional Albums, as well as Showcasing Inspiring Artwork and Design by JAG’D Edge Media.

If you would like to invite me to speak at your school, minister at your church, outreach, perform or teach on any of the listed topics (especially on the Hebraic Roots of Christianity or Biblical Festivals) please contact me at jagdedgemedia at gmail dot com.

The Social Media Reach: According to Splinkemedia.com/JustparaDOX I have a social media network total of 14,776 (this number is actually lower than the real time totals are over 15,000) and Splink Percentile of 80% between Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace this doesn't include Linkedin, Google+, Fanbridge, Artistdata, Reverbnation or any other of the social media sites. According to Wordpress I get close 5,000 views of my blog a month at paradoxparables.wordpress.com and close to 8,000 views of my mixtape blog at triplehmixtapes.wordpress.com totaling nearly 13,000 views a month in addition to my Social Media reach that's near 28,000 people I reach in some form or another. Of course there is some crossover. Once both blogs are combined to the new JustparaDOX.com website there should be a marke
Shanelle Is Frolicious - Another JEM Stone Ministries site