Jay and Tom intended to talk about some of the newest content creation tools that platforms like LinkedIn have made available (and they do get to that), but this turned into a much more wide-ranging discussion about the emergence of Web 3 and what many people are calling the Golden Age of the creator economy. Tune in to listen to Jay and Tom riff about where we’ve been and what’s coming next for content creators in a more decentralized digital landscape.

Jay and Tom intended to talk about some of the newest content creation tools that platforms like LinkedIn have made available (and they do get to that), but this turned into a much more wide-ranging discussion about the emergence of Web 3 and what many people are calling the Golden Age of the creator economy. Tune in to listen to Jay and Tom riff about where we’ve been and what’s coming next for content creators in a more decentralized digital landscape.

Reading & Resources

Tim Ferriss Podcast on Web 3

Connect with Jay on LinkedIn

Connect with Tom on LinkedIn

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Hosts of The Thought Leadership Project

Jay Harrington

Tom Nixon

Jay Harrington is a lawyer, author, executive coach, and marketing consultant for law firms and lawyers. Tom Nixon has more than 25 years of experience helping experts become thought leaders. Both are prolific content creators whose work has been featured in leading publications in the legal industry.

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