A look back at trying to hand draw frames of animation for my first game, a homebrew Tomb Raider computer game.

The Thirteenth Hour Podcast #450: Remembering The Easy Exercise Plan and making a Thirteenth Hour Exercise Card Deck


Lately, I have been making animations for the Logan prison cell workout I talked in episode 450:

While making them, I thought back to the first time I tried to do something similar, when making animations for the first game I tried to make, a Tomb Raider prequel of sort featuring a young adult Lara Croft going on her first big adventure, looking for her kidnapped mentor and a unicorn.  I spent hours on the running animation alone, figuring it was the most important part, though what I didn’t realize at the time was 1.) more frames does not make for a smoother experience, as it just increases the chance of the the frames will get stuck or not load, and 2.) hand drawn animations scanned into a computer will never be as precise as something entirely digital.  But at the time, I had no idea, so hand drew the frames and used tracing paper to transfer it from frame to frame:

Thanks for listening!


Check out the growing line of Thirteenth Hour toys and other products on the Thirteenth Hour Studio Etsy store (https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThirteenthHourStudio).  There are a number of custom figures from retro films being sold for charity that available there as well.  For example, the hunter action figure from A Shadow in the Moonlight is now done and available on Etsy!

There is also a growing collection of Thirteenth Hour stickers on The Thirteenth Hour Studio store on Redbubble!

Check out this collaboration with past show guest Jeff Finley on handpan: 

Follow along on Spotify!  There is also a growing extended Thirteenth Hour playlist on Spotify with a growing number of retro 80s songs.

Check it out!

As always, thanks for listening!


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Book trailer: http://bit.ly/1VhJhXY
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