James Rosseau’s story started in North Philadelphia “where there is tremendous overlap and correlation between failures in school and increased prison population”, working in a neighborhood hardware store at 14 evolved into a very successful corporate career and publishing a book, to now a “head and heart mission” building a community to help others.


4:07 - … “I started to find success and people said ‘you’re special’…but wait a minute, special is not scalable… unique is scalable, we all have unique gifts and talents…”


4:43 – “…so how do we level the playing field coming from an area like North Philadelphia where there is tremendous overlap and correlation between failures in school and increased prison population.”


8:04 – “you talk about the superhero concept… what do you mean?” Listen to James’ story, how he uses the concept (of discovering their superpower) to engage young people.


9:42 – “it’s a four-step process – you have to find your superpower, you have to understand its purpose, then hone it, then chase it.”


12:39 – “tell me about your book, what did you love the most about the process of writing that book?”


15:25 – … “she pushed me to understand that people need to see the whole you… my favorite part (of writing the book) would be that it made me be more transparent and get more comfortable with parts of my story that I would conceal.”


21:59 – talking about a tribe, building community: “What is the secret sauce? Mutuality. Giving without the expectation of receiving.”


24:34 – “Authenticity is reached when you act out your intentions in full.”


You can learn more about James Rosseau Sr. or reach him on his website TheCorelinkSolution.com.