In episode 217, we have a special on the ground episode to share how one organization's journey and commitment to reunifying families has inspired others. Trust for Africa's work in Lesotho has gone beyond their own organization and now supports other organizations to transition to family-based care. Naomi Schalm, Mafusi Semethe, Mbele Horoto, and Bokang Lipholo all join us in this conversation to celebrate the movement underway in Africa's "Kingdom of the Sky."

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Resources and Links from the show

Trust for Africa

On the Ground in Lesotho- The Power of Family Reunification


Show Notes

The challenges for children in residential care (4:45)  Ramping up family tracing efforts (5:48) The hard work of individualized care plans (6:55)  Importance of follow-up after placement (7:40)  One 12 year old’s journey home (10:20) Another story of family separation and reunification (12:40) Are we including children in their restoration? (15:20) Mafusi asks what can we do differently?  (18:15) The start of training other orphanages and childcare workers (19:20) Making plans to reunify children (20:30) Family strengthening programs (23:00) The importance of following up with families (26:00) Emotional and psychological challenges for children in care and building resilience (28:15) Resolving misunderstandings (30:00) Mbele on children aging out of the orphanage (39:00) On influencing the country and bringing change (41:30) Concerns about transitioning (42:10) Director of an orphanage, Bokang, shares about kids aging out (45:30) Addressing more than material needs (46:40) Children visiting families during holidays (48:40) A vision to help more children with a different model (49:30)


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