Next Episode: Underrated: Mr. 15

Welcome fellow tribe members. This is The Thinkers Tribe where we have in-depth conversations about pressing issues and pop cultures (because we’re nerds!). 

In the episode we cover mental health awareness in India or lack there of. With some shocking stars that has made mental health an epidemic in India. 


The views and opinions expressed by the host does not reflect the views and opinions of The Thinkers Tribe. The host is not a psychiatrist or psychotherapist by any measure. If you are suffering from mental health issues, please contact the following links below on priority and seek the help you need. 

All music and external audio are royalty free. 

Calm Harbour Counselling -

Viveka Trust (FREE - Telephonic Conversations/ Bangalore-Based) - 080 25214578

Government of India and Nimhaans (Telephonic Conversations) - 08046110007

Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists -

Association of Psychiatric Social Work Professionals -

**Please note that these are resources based in India. Please contact your local doctors for additional resources in your place of residence 

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