It's been a long week everyone, and the boys at Roads to Liberty are here to talk about it.

First, not content to violate your second amendment rights, Virginia seeks to violate your 1st amendment rights as well. We explain why they are doing this, and how it will make their goal of gun confiscation that much easier.

Also, there's a plague going around the world. A plague that has already killed over eight thousand people this season. But we're not here to talk about the flu, but of Corona and the Chinese governments feeble attempts to cover things up and avoid paying for their peoples medical care. It's Night of the Mexican Beer Bottles in China right now, and we have you covered.

Last but not least, Bernie Sanders was kinda sorta endorsed by Joe Rogan the other night and decided to brag about it. Apparently this is a terrible no good very bad thing as the social justice left is up in arms. Good Guy Rogan is apparently all things bad in this world and his support must be shunned, not embraced. Well if the Bernie Bros insist on throwing away the support of the most successful podcaster in history, who are we to complain?

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