Hard work and honing your craft is only one piece of the high-performance puzzle. Deliberate rest is the under-celebrated element that might just be your game-changer.

Tired of feeling burned out? In this episode, leadership expert Jason V. Barger explores the transformative power of deliberate rest. Discover how making time for rest can actually boost your performance, creativity, and overall well-being.

Key Takeaways:

Deliberate Rest vs. Sleep: Jason breaks down the difference between getting enough sleep and incorporating deliberate rest practices into your daily routine. Science-Backed Benefits: Learn how rest impacts your brain and body, leading to improved focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Rest for Leaders: Jason shares strategies for leaders to create a culture of rest within their teams and organizations. Practical Tips: Get actionable advice on how to incorporate deliberate rest into your busy schedule, even if you think you don't have time. Real-World Examples: Hear inspiring stories of high-achievers who have harnessed the power of rest to reach peak performance.

Who Should Listen:

Professionals feeling overwhelmed and overworked Leaders looking to improve their team's performance and well-being Anyone interested in optimizing their productivity and creativity through intentional rest.

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For full show notes visit https://jasonvbarger.com/podcast/deliberate_rest_increase_performance/

About Jason V. Barger:

Jason Barger is a husband, father, speaker, and author who is passionate about business leadership and corporate culture. He believes that corporate culture is the "thermostat" of an organization, and that it can be used to drive performance, innovation, and engagement. The show features interviews with business leaders from a variety of industries, as well as solo episodes where Barger shares his own insights and advice.

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