Episode 56: James is join by photographer and writer David duChemin to chat about the heart and soul of photography.  

There is more to photography than just the technology  and gear.  Very rarely do we all discuss the journey and the soul of the photograph.  Strip away all the gear and technical aspect of taking a photograph and what are you left with?  We dive in to this and more, including imposter syndrome and why do we have to label ourselves?

Do you want to transcend you’re photography to a new level?  Discover the soul and reasoning behind your photography and click the links below to discover David and I HIGHLY recommend his books.

Website: https://davidduchemin.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visionisbetter

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidduchemin

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/craftvision

Books: https://craftandvision.com/collections/all

Got any questions? Send us your questions and thoughts on the show to [email protected] or join our Facebook group here and leave your comments, questions or share your images (please do not bombard the page with heaps at a time).

Lastly, we would be grateful if you could give the show some love by leaving us a (great 5*) review on iTunes, this will help other photographers find us: goo.gl/6Kam3P

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Our website: www.thephotographerscraic.com