In this episode: Don't forget to become a Theodio Premier Subscriber. Offer ends when 2020 comes to a close. The conclusion of chapter 2 of Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks The relevant segment of the Precious Remedies audiobook A brief acknowledgement of the struggle between being in the world, but not of the world A look ahead to […]
The post Episode 17: The Danger of Bad Influence appeared first on Theodio.

In this episode:

Don't forget to become a Theodio Premier Subscriber. Offer ends when 2020 comes to a close.
The conclusion of chapter 2 of Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks
The relevant segment of the Precious Remedies audiobook
A brief acknowledgement of the struggle between being in the world, but not of the world
A look ahead to chapter 3

Show notes:

Episode blog post: Four strategies for avoiding negative influences
Podcast introduction: Yabo Obien
Logo and marque: Jeff Lyons at Light & Story
Original music: Makeup and Vanity Set
Kindle version of Precious Remedies against Satan's Devices by John Hendryx at
Text for Precious Remedies provided by

Welcome back to the Theodio Podcast. I’m your host, Dan Kassis.

We have arrived at the close of chapter 2 of Thomas Brooks’ Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices. So far we’ve learned 11 ways our enemy tries to lure us into sin. In the 12th device, Brooks pens his briefest description so far. And our audio segment this time is also one of the shortest. But there are still some valuable tools left to share in this arsenal of weapons against our enemy.

Business guru Jim Rohn believes you are either like or will become like your five closest friends. This is debatable, of course, given that Mr. Rohn is not an expert in sociology or psychology. But negative influence of peers on individual behaviors and choices is observable anywhere you choose to pay attention. Positive influence is equally powerful, of course.

We who are parents know intuitively that the kinds of friends our children choose will affect them. We immediately know when trouble walks through the door in the form of a suspicious new acquaintance. Our kids' futures depend on their exhibiting wisdom in this area of life. Lacking wisdom, it's up to us to guide them.

We Christians must be salt and light to the world. We must be in and not of the world as we proclaim the gospel. But we also must discern when it is time to walk away from certain people for whom our message is nothing but bitterness and gall.

Thomas Brooks has four remedies against Satan’s use of negative influence in our lives. Let’s listen now.


It’s a difficult choice, isn’t it? You want to share the gospel with unbelievers. You’re willing to withstand a certain amount of mistreatment for it. Jesus even told us we are blessed when this happens, because it shows we belong to his kingdom.

But at some point we must consider our own emotional and spiritual health. Jesus also told his disciples to move on from a place that utterly rejected them and their message.

You know your limits. You have the Holy Spirit to guide you. No one else can make those choices for you. And we’d like to hear your experiences in this area. The blog post that accompanies this part of the book will be linked in the show notes. Consider posting a comment at the end with your thoughts and observations.

That’s the end of chapter 2. I want to remind you again that the full audiobook version of Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices will be available. And if you become a free Premier Subscriber to Theodio, you’ll get the book at the best possible price. Please sign up today on

Next time we begin chapter 3. Thomas Brooks lists eight devices Satan uses to distract and discourage us from the Christian life. If chapter 2 was about moral choices, this one is about religious duties. Now I know we don’t like that word, “duty,” in today’s world. But it’s an apt label for those things we do for God’s kingdom in response to his grace. Our enemy has tactics to keep us from them. Please come back next time and study along with us. Thanks for listening.

The post Episode 17: The Danger of Bad Influence appeared first on Theodio.