Our guests are Bob Rogers of BRC Imagination Arts, Mike West from Universal Creative, and John Wood of Sally Dark Rides. They share their perspectives on ride capacities and THRC.

Connect with Bob at BRCweb.com, Mike via his company’s LinkedIn “Innovative West,” and John at SallyDarkRides.com.
Show hosts: Mel McGowan & Freddy Martin
Show design & production: Barry R. Hill
Theme music composed by Rob Watson, closing music by the Lost Dogs.
Give us a shoutout on iTunes; we love the attention, and browse www.themedattraction.com for even more on the attractions industry. Thanks for listening!

Our guests are Bob Rogers of BRC Imagination Arts, Mike West from Universal Creative, and John Wood of Sally Dark Rides. They share their perspectives on ride capacities and THRC.

Connect with Bob at BRCweb.com, Mike via his company’s LinkedIn “Innovative West,” and John at SallyDarkRides.com.

Show hosts: Mel McGowan & Freddy Martin

Show design & production: Barry R. Hill

Theme music composed by Rob Watson, closing music by the Lost Dogs.

Give us a shoutout on iTunes; we love the attention, and browse www.themedattraction.com for even more on the attractions industry. Thanks for listening!