Today's Topics:

1) Gospel - Matt 6:7-15 - This is how you are to pray

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2] Spiritual Warfare & Communism Part 02 Segment 08 Criticize the Good (36)Spiritual Warfare and Communism Part 02 Segment 08 Criticize the Good - YouTube

2a] Spiritual Warfare & Communism Part 02, Segment09 Tantrums - (36) Spiritual Warfare and Communism Part 02 Segment 09Tantrums - YouTube .
3) A military commander just blew the lid off Biden’s communist plan to destroy America

4) Joe Biden’s Catholic Priest defends giving him Communion: It’s “an encounter with God”
Joe Biden’s Catholic Priest Defends Giving Him Communion: It’s “an Encounter With God” |