Today's Topics:

1] 2 Maccabees 2:15-29 We will keep to the covenant of our ancestors.                                      

1a] Don’t You Wish this Sign was on Every Church Door in the USA? by Steve Ray on November 19, 2019

2,3] Introducing the New Threat: Global Neo-Paganism

4] Marco Rubio calls for an ‘economics of the common good’

Today’s Topics:

1] 2 Maccabees 2:15-29 We will keep to the covenant of our ancestors.                                      

1a] Don’t You Wish this Sign was on Every Church Door in the USA? by Steve Ray on November 19, 2019

2,3] Introducing the New Threat: Global Neo-Paganism

4] Marco Rubio calls for an ‘economics of the common good’