Today's Topics:

1) Gospel - Lk 4:24-30 - Like Elijah & Elisha, Jesus was sent not only to the Jews

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

Whoopi Goldberg admits vaccines are killing kids

2, 3) Interview with Sister Dede Byrne, a board-certified surgeon, and retired U.S. Army colonel has sued the District of Columbia for refusing to grant her a religious exemption to the city’s COVID-19 vax mandate. Sister oversees and practices medicine inside a free clinic, which offers abortion pill reversals. “I’ve closed my clinics for the month,” she said. “I just can’t help anyone. I feel like I’m just a little tip of an arrow of so many people who are being forced to do the same thing.”

2, 3, 4) The fight: Sister Dede Byrne sued Washington, D.C., for denying her a religious exemption to its COVID-19 vaccination mandate for health care workers, received a temporary reprieve on Friday. Officials notified her that her medical license would remain active until September, but warned it could be revoked at any time at the City's discretion. Sister Dede’s lawyer remains concerned with the posture of the City, whom he said told the nun: “You can practice until we say otherwise.”