Today's Topics:

1) Gospel - Gospel Mark 2:1-12 Jesus Heals a paralytic.

1a] St Paul the Hermit saint of the day - Saint Paul the Hermit | Franciscan Media

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2] Spiritual Warfare and Communism (Fr Ripperger) Part 02, Segment 06 Bad Motive – (17) Spiritual Warfare and Communism Part 02 Segment 06 Bad Motive- YouTube

2a] All are Welcome not a welcome hymn at Mass,USCCB committee says - 'All are Welcome' not a welcome hymn at Mass, US Catholic bishops' committee says (                                                                                            
3-4] Confusion twice confounded: On the motu proprio Spiritus Domini Confusion twice confounded: On the motu proprio Spiritus Domini – Catholic World Report