Today's Topics:

1) Gospel - Mt 6:7-15 - This is how you are to pray

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2, 3) Interview Michael Hichborn re: his exposing the AUSCP and their heretical statements. Michael received a cease and desist letter from the Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP).  Strongly implying legal action, they were upset that he routinely refers to them as a "heretical" organization that supports women's ordination to the priesthood. They referred to his reports and words as "slander" and "defamation." They also seem to be upset that he informed their vendors and sponsors of their heretical positions, and wish that Hichborn would stop showing up at their annual assembly. 

Read the letter:

In response, Michael outlined a host of their statements and actions which give support for women's ordination to the priesthood and propagate ideas that run completely counter to Catholic doctrines. Furthermore, he asked 18 yes or no questions, allowing the AUSCP to clarify its positions. 

Read the response:

4) Father Stu - Official Trailer