Today's Topics:

1) Gospel - MT 10:7-15 - Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. 

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2) What is ‘Social Justice’ let’s read the CCC 1928-1944 and see what it actually says…

3) Trans-sanctuary? Lawmakers in California want to make the state a safe haven for children seeking transgender procedures. Legislation has already cleared a legislative committee and is expected to pass the legislature. The bill would allow insurance companies and doctors to ignore subpoenas regarding child custody from other states which might not have “gender-affirming” health care for children 

4) Shane Schaetzel of "Complete Christianity" offers 10 tips for renewal at any Catholic parish. "A priest seeking liturgical renewal and parish revival will understand that solidifying Catholic identity into his parishioners is essential to that end." Spoiler alert: the key is the Liturgy!