Paeter's Picks for the top 5 games (and most thought-provoking game) of 2023! Then some thoughts about making money, wisdom that's fun and receiving our hearts desires as we continue our geek bible study of Proverbs!

Plus, In Paeter's Geek Week:


Halo Season 1,


00:00:30 Intro

00:01:45 Top 5 Games of 2023

00:19:10 CGC & Christian Geek News (Finding Fantasy Reads, Realm Makers Registration Open)

00:27:06 Making Money, Fun Wisdom and Our Hearts Desires (Proverbs Bible Study)

00:38:17 Listener Questions/Feedback (How Would PAETER Write DC's "The Spectre"?, How Much Do We "Have To" Give?, Developing Community At Sunday Morning Church)

Paeter's Geek Week

00:51:36 MOVIES/TV-

Halo Season 1,

01:00:13 On The Next Episode...

01:01:23 Essential Issues Weekly (In #AlanScott #Greenlantern issue 3 #TheSpectre is seemingly leveraged to suggest God approves of gay relationships. What can we learn from reading this? PLUS, #Cyborg 6 fails to prove the personhood of the AI "copy" of Victor's dead father. Also, reactions to #TheFlash 4, #justicesocietyofamerica 8, & #ThePenguin 5!)

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Episodes #0-500 of this podcast were published as "The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast" and are archived and available for download at , Resources used to prepare the "In Search Of Truth" Bible Study include:"Expositor's Bible Commentary", Frank E. Gaebelein General Editor (Zondervan

Publishing House),"The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament",

by Dr. John H. Walton, Dr. Victor H. Matthews & Dr. Mark W. Chavalas (InterVarsity

Press), "The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament", by Dr. Craig S. Keener (InterVarsity Press),Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (primarily for search functionality), The Christian Geek Central Statement Of Faith can be found at: The Christian Geek Central Podcast is written, recorded and produced by Paeter Frandsen. Additional segments produced by their credited authors. Logo created by Matthew Silber. Copyright 2007-2024, Spirit Blade Productions. Music by Wesley Devine, Bjorn A. Lynne, Pierre Langer, Jon Adamich, and Sound Ideas. Spazzmatica Polka by Kevin MacLeod ( effects provided by: FreqMan