Some Televigion days are filled with nothing but the screen. Some don't involve pressing the power button on at all. As long as some TV is watched, all should be well.

Contained within we have

Correspondence :- The Televigion Parents highlight an unwatchable interview with Jocelyn StevensonJames Walker has more thoughts about Peep Show

Recommendations:- Received The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds (Channel 4). Given Frank Skinner On Demand With... (iPlayer)

What's On Now:- Doctor Who Series 9 (BBC1); Peep Show (Channel 4); Fargo (Channel 4); You, Me and the Apocalypse (Sky 1)

"On Demand"s My Attention:- Master of None (Netflix), With Bob and David (Netflix)

Top of the Pile:-  With Bob and David (Netflix)

Disappointments:- BBC Three moves online

We're looking forward to Tripped on E4 but that isn't until the 8th December at 10pm. Let us know if you see anything worth watching for next time!

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