Hey Joy Seekers,

Commitment: I joyfully promise, from this moment on, to
never give up my dreams and goals. I choose to remember always that the whole
world is mine to explore, and I need never be alone in figuring it out and
making it just right.  That I was born
worthy and loveable without condition and whatever brought me to this place is
just the journey to my present and future self and not the sum total of who I
am or who I will become


ACIM lesson 22

"What I see is a form of vengeance"

1.    Today’s idea accurately describes the way anyone
who holds attack thoughts in his mind must see the world. ²Having projected his
anger onto the world, he sees vengeance about to strike at him. ³His own attack
is thus perceived as self defense. ⁴This becomes an increasingly
vicious circle until he is willing to change how he sees. ⁵Otherwise,
thoughts of attack and counter-attack will preoccupy him and people his entire


4 steps to stop people pleasing-

1)   Awareness: Curiously and compassionately start
watching what you are doing (start building a different relationship with

2)   Thought swapping: Find a believable thought, I’m
safe to help your nervous system down. Know that they are survival thoughts

3)   Curiousity what you want them to think about
you, or what are you trying to avoid feeling about yourself. Underneath people
pleasing is some kind of reward

4)   Pick a new intentional thought to practice in response
to what you want to feel so you can feel that way.  I am a good friend in many ways
even if I don’t want to go to the show.

5)   Rinse and repeat until it becomes your default method.

If you want to unf*ck your mind and figure sh*t out so you can live the passionate life of your dreams without jumping off the roof contact me at: [email protected]

or schedule a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Figure sh*t out together⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ session and feel 50% better quickly and see if you want to work together.

#nikkineretin#drnikki#drnikkineretin#unfuckyourbrain#figuringshitout#youngadults#anxiety#findyour passion#depression#trauma#thelifecoachschool


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