Hello Joy-Seekers, 

Commitment: I joyfully promise, from this moment on, to never give up my dreams and goals. I choose to remember always that the whole world is mine to explore, and I need never be alone in figuring it out and making it just right. That I was born worthy and loveable without condition and whatever brought me to this place is just the journey to my present and future self and not the sum total of who I am or who I will become.

ACIM lesson 15-“My thoughts are images that I have made” the thoughts we have creates our visual perceptions and gets implanted in our brains as the images we see. Inner thoughts appear as outer images in order to validate the thoughts we are thinking made to look on error and not see past it.” Part of what we must begin to learn is to look past the bodily level, to begin to realize that what our eyes are showing us is not necessarily the truth. Our eyes are showing us only the errors of our own minds. Edges of light something there to be seen beyond the physical.

End racism because it is contradictory to my vision of society and not on behalf on other people.

1) Racism happens don’t go quiet:

a) Notice it

b) Name it

c) Interrupt it

d) Describe it

e) Make space for the person perpetrating to apologize without cancel

2) Meet People

a) Organize your life to meet people from different backgrounds

b) Give up the familiar, be uncomfortable

c) Join or develop projects and activities that bring you in contact with people of different backgrounds.

3) Engagement

a) Relationship is not a helping relationship just a connected friendship good for both

b) Communication not quizversation

c) Be prepared to stop talking and listen

4) Interrupt Domination

a) Don’t assume to know everything

b) Don’t have all the answers and solutions

c) Not be the one in charge

d) Not be the one to give directions

e) Not be the one to go first

f) Not have to be right.

5) Form Long Term Relationships

a) Aim for long term relationships

b) Be prepared for differences in lifestyle, value, beliefs etc

c) Stay in the face of discomfort

d) Find shared interest

6) Do not expect People of color to service us

a) Take care of you

b) Reassure you

c) Remind us that we are good

d) Do things for you

7) Mind your manners

a) Get names, pronunciations, and confusion about faces correct.

b) Don’t tell them about your other pgm friends who you got separated from, nanny or experience in someones culture

8) Make Mistakes

a) Acknowledge the mistake and clean it up

b) Ask what would be needed to repair

c) Resist the urge to explain or downplay the significance

9) Careful of invisibility where we’ve discounted a group

a) Notice when they are present

b) Make space for people to speak

c) Don’t walk over as if they are not there.

d) Interrupt patterns of racism-notice it, name it interrupt it. Explain what the racism is and support the person to repair the mistake rather than cancel. And back to square 1

10) Practice, practice, practice compassionately.

If you are not actively engaged in ending it you are complicit in it.

We Got This!

Schedule a Figure sh*t out together session and feel 50% better quickly and see if you want to work together.


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