Welcome to the show!

Your Host Tereill will be giving you your Monday Motivation Fix each week with Monday Morning Cup of Tea. Each week you will get ten minutes of your motivational daily dose.  

This episode is dedicated to those who may be struggling with anxiety or depression or lost life due to suicide. In light of the two suicides that occurred last week of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain.  If you are having trouble please seek a professional.

For information on suicide please call the National Suicide Hotline at 1800-273-8255 or visit https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

This week the topic of discussion is:

How do you handle being the only minority or black person in the room? 

Tereill has experience with being the only black person working in her job for a year in a half. Find out how she overcame her experience and what has helped her to move forward in her career and how it can help you as well. If you want more on this topic make sure to get signed up on her mailing list at www.tereillrenee.com.