Welcome to the Show! This week your host Tereill gives you her thoughts on what is on her radar in entertainment news. Find out what she is obsessing over to the point that is might be named an addition. Plus she gives you thoughts on the loss of Kim Porter the model and ex of  Sean P.Diddy Combs. 

We give our condolences to Kim's family and P. Diddy.

Followed by the question at hand which is Can you dress your way to the top? You will learn how your wardrobe will impact for pockets and what you can do to protect your current position or leap into a new one. Nevertheless, this weeks episode is all about leveling up in your career without breaking the dress code. Tereill gives you her honest opinion and what you can do to enhance your career.

Are you enjoying the show? If so go ahead and familiarize yourself with the previous episodes. Then go over to iTunes and leave me your response to this weeks question.

Want to keep up with your host and all the behind the scenes then Instagram is the place https://www.instagram.com/the_tee_tea_streets_show/ Have you subscribed to the podcast? What are you waiting for go ahead and do so now? Then share it on your facebook and twitter pages and tag me ok. Want to keep the conversation going? Do you have more to say? Facebook and is the place, and you can vote on the next episode to hear next. https://www.facebook.com/TereillRenee/ More tips can be found on my website get on the list for exclusive things coming out here like a copy of her book coming out later this year. Get on the list here tereillrenee.com

Thank you for listening! I appreciate your feedback and support.