Welcome to the Show! 

Thank you for listening to bringing this podcast to the 100th episode. Be sure to listen to the end for a special giveaway!

This week your Host Tereill is dedicating this episode to her favorite NBA Player the late great Kobe Bryant! We send our deepest condolences to the families who were affected by the tragedy. Our hearts are with his beautiful daughter Gigi and the other victims as well. Special prayer for his family and wife Vanessa & Bryant's family!

Tereill shares the impact that Kobe had on her with the three "L"'s. Also some comforting words of encouragement.

Since you have been rocking with show Tereill is hosting a giveaway for (5) lucky winners. Make sure that you answer the questions post them on I-tunes and screenshot to Instagram. The winners will be announced on 2/20/20.

Want to know how to set yourself up for success? Are you ready to start your business or write your book? Let's chat to see if we are a good fit to work together www.tereillrenee.com/complimentary-discovery

Stay connected with me every Tuesday over at the Tee Talk Show on Facebook where I dive deeper into business topics.


Snag your Success Bundle: Take the Five Day Challenge: The Purpose Pursuit to Happiness http://bit.ly/teepurposechallenge 

Download your free checklist here http://bit.ly/dreamchecklist

Tereill wants to know what are you doing as you are listening to the podcast? So go over to I-tunes and leave a review and yours may be read on the podcast.


If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]

Are you enjoying the show? If so go ahead and familiarize yourself with the previous episodes. 

Want to keep up with your host and all the behind the scenes then Instagram is the place https://www.instagram.com/the_tee_tea_streets_show/ Have you subscribed to the podcast? What are you waiting for go ahead and do so now? Then share it on your Facebook and Twitter pages and tag me ok. Want more weekly advice around business follow me every Tuesday at 7 pm at https://www.facebook.com/TeeTalkShow/ More tips can be found on my website get on the list for exclusive things coming out here like a copy of her book coming out later this year. Get on the pre-order list here www.tereillrenee.com

Thank you for listening! Sharing is caring!