What is the best way to overcome the barriers created by people and organisations who do not consider accessibility and inclusive design when building digital services and products? Do we simply need to raise awareness of the business benefits of accessibility, or do we need more effective legal frameworks to focus the minds of decision-makers?

Our panel offered a perspective on this question from around the globe - including the US, Europe, Israel and Norway.

Eleanor Southwood, Chair of Trustees, RNIB


Alejandro Moledo, Policy Co-ordinator, European Disability Forum
Malin Rygg, Head of Authority for Universal Design of ICT, DIFI, Norway
Stuart Seaborn, Managing Director of Litigation, Disability Rights Advocates
Yuval Wagner, Founder and President, Access Israel Org

Download a text transcript of this episode from the AbilityNet website.

All speaker info and slides will be available on the TechShare Pro 2019 schedule page.

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