In the simplest terms, a mentor is anyone who possesses more experience and knowledge than you in a given industry. They have skills you want to master in order to thrive. And you’d rather lean on their experience and expertise and learn from their mistakes, rather than having to go and make those same mistakes on your own.

Entrepreneurs need mentors especially, and perhaps more than other professionals, simply because it is nearly impossible to formally teach entrepreneurship in any controlled setting. There are just too many variables that will inevitably change from entrepreneur to entrepreneur and business to business.

In this episode, Malcolm Ethridge speaks with Ron Bauer, a venture capitalist and the founder of Theseus Capital, about the role mentorship plays in the success of a startup founder. Ron shares his roadmap to success for entrepreneurs, talks about mentoring entrepreneurs, and how founders can find the right mentor for the right moment.

Ron discusses: 

How he applies a hands-on, academic methodology to the way he invests, and his hands-on approach to mentoring his entrepreneursHis roadmap to success for startup foundersHow to be proactive in the current market and how long he anticipates it lastingHow to find the right mentor for what you need at the momentWhy you should do something you enjoy and not focus solely on doing something to make money

Connect With Ron Bauer:

Theseus CapitalLinkedIn: Ron BauerInstagram: Ron BauerTwitter: Ron Bauer

Connect With Malcolm Ethridge:

The Tech Money Podcast LinkedIn: Malcolm EthridgeConnect with Malcolm @MalcolmOnMoneyDownload the Tech Money Guide to RSUs 

About Our Guest:

Ron Bauer is a venture capitalist and entrepreneur with over 20 years of financing businesses. He is focused on the Life Sciences, Technology, EdTech, and Natural Resources sectors, where he has created a number of exciting ventures side by side with some of the world’s leading entrepreneurs and scientists, as well as world-class academic institutions that include Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Cornell, and Hebrew University to name a few. He is the Founder of Theseus Capital Ltd, the family office investment vehicle for his portfolio companies.

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