*Note* This episode was recorded in December 2019


On Episode 37, Kevin McArdle, owner of SureSwift Capital, and Jac Stark, community manager for tech.mn, welcome Jenessa White, a Minnesotan developer with talent on the football field.

*Since recording Jenessa has moved on from her role with Software for Good and is currently working on some freelance projects and is open to opportunities. 

Jenessa shares her story of going through a bootcamp to become a developer and where she landed on the other side. We discuss the pros and cons of bootcamps and why companies should hire more junior developers. We get a look into the  junior developer community in the Twin Cities and we ask about her chops on the football field.

Hype Time

Every episode we ask our guest to name drop someone doing cool things in the tech community. Jenessa gives a shout out to Tyrre Burks of Player’s Health.

Sponsor:Thank you to Arthur Ventures for sponsoring this episode of The tech.mn Podcast. Arthur Ventures invests in B2B software founders beyond Silicon Valley and takes a partner approach to venture capital. They support tech entrepreneurship in Minnesota. You can learn more about them at their website and hear about their latest raise here

Socialstech.mn on TwitterKevin McArdle on TwitterJac Stark on TwitterJenessa on Twitter

Links:Software for GoodMpls Jr DevsMinnesota Vixen

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