Is it worth putting in a home audio system and using something like Sonos, alternatives to Filemaker Pro, assigning a Google number to your primary phone number, praise of the 15.2 iPhone update restoring Siri functionality to reading voicemails, troubleshooting an external storage device, a fun space story, replacing your TV when your signal is weak? Plus, conversations with Sam Abuelsamid, Chris Marquardt, and Rod Pyle!

Spotify's value takes a tumble in the wake Neil Young & others pulling their music off the streaming platform
FBI secretly bought Pegasus NSO & tested it
Is it worth installing a home audio system and using something like Sonos speakers?
Sam Abuelsamid & Ford's BlueCruise
Alternatives to FileMaker Pro
Ways to assign a Google phone number to a carrier number
Upgrade options from an iPhone 5
A recent Apple update restored Siri functionalities to read voicemails. Blind users rejoice!
Chris Marquardt and Correct or Right
Troubleshooting an external storage device no longer being recognized
A fun space story with the caller Jim
Rod Pyle & China's space plans
TV signal is weak in caller's home & whether it's related to their TV

Host: Leo Laporte

Guests: Sam Abuelsamid, Chris Marquardt, and Rod Pyle

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