Gareth and Matt enjoy a warm and fuzzy recollection of days gone by in this the latest instalment of the Retro Tech Addicts podcast.

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This day in the past
First International Communications Satellite
Mac Cube Introduced

Favourite Retro Gadget?

Matt: Polaroid Zink printer
Gareth: GP2X


Guys, Cant tell you how much I am loving the RTA podcast, about time someone did a show like this. Question: Now that we have smartphones, tablets, phablets, laptops etc. what do you think might be next?
Peter from Canada

Worth a mention:

Email us: [email protected]  Tel: 0208 123 3757

Gareth Myles – @garethmyles

Matt and Tracy Davis -   @tracyandmatt

Music by James Everett

Posted by: Gareth

Technorati Tags: Retro,old games,old computers,old technology,classic,systems,Technology,8-bit,16-bit