Mobile World Congress 2010 has come and gone. James and Gareth visited
Barcelona to see what was new and exciting. This week Matt and Andy chat with
James and Gareth about all the latest news and exciting revelations Mobile World
Congress 2010 had to offer. New phones, news operating systems, updates and

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Shout out to Lexi, her little sister Harri, and a special hello to Humfrey
and Bunny! for the winning picture on the competition.

Happy new year Andy

Mobile World Congress

Windows Phone 7 Series

HTC - Legend, Desire, HD Mini and Smart

Samsung - Wave, Monte and Galaxy

Sony Ericsson - Vivaz, X10, X10 Mini

Acer Liquid E and 6.5.3 devices

Else Intuition - Elecite
Releases Pulse As A Free Trial Theme For Storm Users

Garmin Nuvifone

MSI Tablet

Nexus One, App development

Windows Twitter interview

Palm Pre review tomorrow-ish

Listener Question:

I have a million dollar question (again!) for all the team for a
real situation
I have been using a PAYG Orange phone as I now work
for two companies
and need a separate number.  I bought a £29 Nokia 2330 and,
basically got £29 worth!
It is slaughtering me on call costs though
and I've topped up three
times in the last couple of months and twice ran out
while talking to
a client so I can't continue with that arrangement.
thought about getting a new contract for about £30 per month which
by the
looks of it is the going rate for about 600 minutes , unlimited
internet and
a decent phone.
Am I mad to do this, Andy hates contracts but i can't shell
out £400
just for a phone right now, but I could I suppose keep the nokia
get a contract Sim (but where's the fun in that!) and there
seem to be much of an incentive to have the contract without
I'm looking at the Hero but unsure of Android and the lack of
software, and also the HTC HD2 but then what about mobile 6.5?
use windows 7 for work and also run a Windows home server so I
thought that
the Windows may well fit in with all that but no-one
seems to rate it
anymore.  The new phone 7 series looks awesome but I
need to sort these call
bills out sooner.  Would the HD2 get an
automatic upgrade or would I have to
I already have a 3G iphone for the other number which is now out
contract and on "simlicity 20" which is great, but don't want to
dull and have two iphones!
I got the impression that despite everyone
slagging mobile 6.5 off,
you quite liked the HD2 Gareth?

Many thanks to The
for the music

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