Gareth gives his initial impression of the Samsung Galaxy Note II and Just gets stuck into the recent Blackberry movements.

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Featuring - Gareth and James
Email us: [email protected] Tel: 0208 123 3757

Show Notes
Galaxy Note 2 G-Mans impressions
RIM at Apps World
EE 4G vs. 3G
BB10 Browser
Mr Bond’s phone now at O2
RIM Porting Lab
TomTom for Android
Huawei and ZTE spy brothers

Tablet Table
BlackBerry PlayBook version 2.1 launches
Nexus 7 getting Android 4.1.2 update, adds landscape mode
Samsung and Google reportedly working on high-end, 10-inch Nexus tablet

Bargain Basement
BlackBerry PlayBook
Samsung Ativ S Windows Phone 8 16GB £431.99
Samsung Galaxy Note N7000 16GB £375.00

Listeners Garden
As you know the Grebulons and I like to go from Rupert to Mars. We are enjoying playing hide and seek with the “Curiosity Rover” and so far they have not seen us.
It was good to hear Mat on the podcast last week so the Intergalactic mafia have decided that they will not destroy his datacentre but have still got a hit out on him.
The Grebulons and I would like to choose the number 3 as the number for the number game.
Megadodo Publications
Ursa Minor Beta

Hello boys and Tracy!
I need your help, I’m a big Apple fan (have a Mac Book Pro, iPad 2, iPod classic and iPhone 3GS) love the style and quality.
But I have always wanted a Blackberry (they are not so popular here in Sweden) and with the new 9360 that’s coming out in October I’m really thinking about it.
Here is my question, are a Blackberry good without BBM (because Blackberry isn’t so popular here and I don’t know anyone how has one, so I will not be using it)?
Will I miss anything from iOS with the BlackBerry 7?
I know that were not so long away from an iPhone 5 but I’m so bloody bored with all the kids in first grade with an iPhone, I like to be a little bit special (went to Italy to buy my iPhone because I wanted a Sim Free phone and Italy and France were the only one to have them unlocked and that was before it came out here in Sweden) so am a little bit of an dumb geek :).
Love the podcast, have been a fan for a while now.
James bring back the poetry reading! :)
With kind regards
Gothenburg, Sweden

What’s the number with James

Can't believe I'm doing this, but I have a lucky feeling in my trouser region - no, its not Lucky, my trusty trouser ferret, its the number 17!!

Bruce Hutcheson - 29
G-Man 49
Luke - 45
Milton - 43
Alex Bowker - 23
Badtoys 42
Alsio 10
oo02sjw - Steve 8
FlightsimGeek 12
79stanger - 7
plagus 18
Vince - 16
Mellyman 17
Steve L - 8
GerardMcEvoy - 27
Infinidim - 3
Martin – 12

App Attic
Animated Weather HD + Voice for PlayBook
Lapse It

Email us: [email protected] Tel: 0208 123 3757
Gareth Myles – @garethmyles
James Richardson – @j4mes73
Matt and Tracy Davis - @tracyandmatt
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Many thanks to The Stetz for the music

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