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Regulars - Gareth, Matt, Tracy and James
Email us: [email protected]  Tel: 0208 123 3757

Show Notes

Huawei Ascend G 300
Skype Competition
Nokia Lumia 610 NFC
ZTE Tania Review
Xperia S Review
BlackBerry of the future?

Tablet Table

BlackBerry PlayBook Mini Keyboard review

New Toshiba Tablets


Bargain Basement

HTC Watch
50 films available to watch for just 5p (approximately the cost of a single piece of cinema popcorn). Just open the Watch app on your HTC and log in to see what’s on offer and start downloading. What will you watch this weekend?
Nokia Lumia 710 £129.95
Samsung Galaxy Ace £99.99 on PAYG 3UK
HTC TITAN £284.99
16GB microSDHC memory card Class 6 £6.49

Listeners Garden


App Attic
Angry Birds PlayBook
MyHeritage App for iOS

Zombi Gunship

James’ Bric A Brac Bazaar

HTC Radar

Email us: [email protected]  Tel: 0208 123 3757
Gareth Myles – @garethmyles
James Richardson – @jpr_13  
Matt and Tracy Davis -   @tracyandmatt
Cyril - @cyrilthedonkey
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Many thanks to The Stetz for the music 
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