Gareth and James are back at it, this week with info on the much anticipated Windows Phone 7 update, the Samsung Wave 2 and how Android is set to dominate the world. There are a bunch of bargains to be had this week with some of the best value on the high street.

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Regulars – Gareth and James

Email us: [email protected] Tel: 0208 123 3757

We didn’t win NISMA.

Show Notes

WP7 Mango update
Secret Gingerbread
Orange and Vouchercloud team up
Samsung Wave 2 Unboxing Video
Android market share
Acer Iconia Smart wins an award
Upcoming reviews

Tablet Table
RIM responds to bad PlayBook sales

Bargain Basement
Huawei U8800 Titan £169.95
Samsung Galaxy Tab £249.99
CPW Sale starting Thursday 26th:
Desire Z £200, Wildfire £100, Samsung Wave 2 £100, BB Pearl 9105 £100, Samsung Galaxy Tab £249.99

Listeners Garden

App Attic
Police Scanner Radio

Email us: [email protected] Tel: 0208 123 3757

Gareth Myles – @garethmyles
James Richardson – @jpr7373
Matt and Tracy Davis - @tracyandmatt

Many thanks to The Stetz for the music

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