The Bloopers Reel

As a way of thanks to all those who bought it, this iPhone App exclusive is a behind the scenes insight into the Mobile Tech Addicts podcast. Gareth, Matt, Andy and James let loose with some nonsense from before and after recording and some bits and pieces that just couldn't make it into the final podcast, for obvious reasons.

Silly, foul-mouthed, racy and fun, this really isn't about phones.

Many thanks to The Stetz for the music

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The Bloopers Reel

As a way of thanks to all those who bought it, this iPhone App exclusive is a behind the scenes insight into the Mobile Tech Addicts podcast. Gareth, Matt, Andy and James let loose with some nonsense from before and after recording and some bits and pieces that just couldn't make it into the final podcast, for obvious reasons.

Silly, foul-mouthed, racy and fun, this really isn't about phones.

Many thanks to The Stetz for the music

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 RSS Feed for our weekly podcast