Fresh out of COVID quarantine, Chris harnesses the power of the internet from Minnesota to summon Ari from Texas to bring YOU another episode of TEC Talk! After comparing the relative merits of our hotel rooms (#TeamHilton), we get into a discussion of how to handle the reality of...reality, and the many and myriad ways that the pressures of life, our jobs, and our environment can throw lots of wrenches into even the best-laid training plans. We talk about the important of flexibilty, discuss our Hierarchies of Training Priorities, and learn about Ari's huge trust account in ethernet plugs.

It'll make sense when you listen to it. 

Have a question or a topic you'd like us to discuss? Have a suggestion for someone great you'd like us to have on the show? Got a document you've been working on that you need us to proofread? Let us know at [email protected]!