It’s actually starting to feel somewhat “normal”.    People are out and about, schools are back in session, the NFL is playing and traffic is getting more congested again.   But yet, each one of those things I just mentioned have had to make tremendous changes in order to continue.    Schools are open, but a lot of remote learning.   The NFL is playing, but no one in the stands.    Restaurants are open, but only at 50% capacity.   We are all out shopping, but everyone has to wear a mask.    It’s a crazy world we now live in and no one really knows when we will be able to put our masks away for good – maybe never.

With change comes fear.   Uncertainty breads fear, but it also spawns the biggest leaps in some businesses – usually those who embrace new changes and technology.

Our guest today specializes in helping businesses use technology in order to not only stay competitive, but also to take that next step into the land of incredible opportunity.   

Our guest today is Kyle Knapp of Viterium.   He is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and has 16 years of business IT management experience as well the CAHIMS designation which stands for Certified Healthcare Information and Management Systems.   He also has the difficult certification of CASP+, which is CompTIA’s most advanced cybersecurity certification.   Another of the other areas I noticed is that he is a member of the Vistage Group, which is a CEO peer group focusing on issues in business.  Put everything together and you have someone who understands business and how to network and protect it.

Contact information for Kyle Knapp:
[email protected]
(724) 200-7082