The Team Rock-It Podcast! artwork

The Team Rock-It Podcast!

19 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 7 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

Two guys from Kentucky finally taking their love of video games to the internet. What could possibly go wrong?

We're Jesse and James. We make up the Team Rock-It Podcast. Both of us have been into video games since we've been children. For a long time, we wanted to take our hobby and make something productive out of it. A way for us to broadcast our passion to the masses, and maybe bring a couple of laughs on the side. Thus, the Team Rock-It Podcast was born.

If you find us to be endearing, and would like to follow us individually, information is as follows:

Jesse: JesseUno (Twitter and
James: youngjaimus (Twitter)

We hope you guys enjoy the show just as much we enjoy making it for you!

Video Games Leisure video games indy wrestling mmorpgs leisure video games chicago
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Team Rock-It Podcast Expansion Pack Episode 4

May 30, 2017 00:00 - 47 minutes - 4.56 MB

After a year and a half hiatus, Team Rock-It's Jesse is here to give a short review on the newly released "Emily Is Away Too." Check it out!

Team Rock-It Expansion Pak 3

December 28, 2015 00:00 - 14 minutes - 13.5 MB

A James Expansion Pak. A quick , straight forward look into the things that make James want to sit in front of a monitor or tv and play games Until his eyes bleed. From Sonic to Zelda, Soundtracks, Character Designs and all things Derpy in a small digestible nugget of nonsense. Also, credit to Fairuzons for the theme. We have shamelessly borrowed it. Please don't kill us. :[

The Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 12

December 14, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 42.1 MB

Where James and Jesse FINALLY REVIEW FALLOUT 4. We also discuss the FFVII Remake Trailer, as well as, them there fightin' games. Oh, and Jesse rages over UFC 194. Good times.

Team Rock-It Expansion Pack Episode 2

November 25, 2015 00:00 - 5 minutes - 3.65 MB

Very recently, Jesse had the opportunity to sit down and play the game, "Emily is Away." This is Jesse's take on the game in a short review. Kyle Seeley tweet

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 11

November 09, 2015 00:00 - 54 minutes - 49.5 MB

In what they hope is the last hiatus, Jesse and James return to discuss Fallout 4, Blizzcon and the announcements from, and finally, the 3.1 Patch for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. Give it a listen!

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 10

August 02, 2015 00:00 - 52 minutes - 48.1 MB

After another hiatus, Jesse and James return with another podcast! We touch on both "Rowdys" (Piper and Rousey), as well as the aftermath of the Evo2k15 Sunday Top 8s. We also talk about the technical alpha for Rising Thunder and briefly touch on Silica Nexus. Also, our first contest at the end of the show! Give it a listen! Rising Thunder Salt Rising Thunder Website Silica Nexus Website Jesse's Twitter

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 9

June 10, 2015 00:00 - 51 minutes - 47 MB

After a small hiatus, we have returned! In this episode, we cover Fallout 4, Konami's attempt to go mobile, Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, and briefly touch on Resident Evil Zero HD! Check it out!

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 8

May 06, 2015 00:00 - 55 minutes - 76.7 MB

After a short hiatus, Jesse and James are back! In this episode, they cover Konami's potential internal collapse, Amplitude by Harmonix Studios, The Heroes of the Dorm tournament on ESPN2, and a look-back at the game Condemned! Check it out!

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 7

April 24, 2015 00:00 - 41 minutes - 56.5 MB

After finally defeating the audio-recording mid-boss, Jesse and James touch on Axiom Verge, Shovel Knight, games influenced by the games of yesteryear, and gaming journalistic ethics stemming from the dispute between TotalBiscuit and Titan Souls. Check it out! TotalBiscuit vs. Titan Souls, via Kotaku.Axiom Verge WebsiteShovel Knight!

The Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 6

April 15, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 57.8 MB

We're back again, and this time, James is covering Survival Horror! Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Five Nights at Freddy's, it's all here! If peeing your pants in fear is your favorite thing to do with video games, this is the episode for you! Also, we touch on the release of Mortal Kombat X, and some shout-outs at the end! Check it out! Links: <-- Mortal Kombat X PS3 stick driver controversy http://smashboar...

Team Rock-It Podcast Expansion Pack 1

April 08, 2015 00:00 - 17 minutes - 16 MB

Welcome to the first edition of the Expansion Pack! Basically, if we felt something was missed in the previous episode, this is where we're going to address it. In this EP, Jesse continues to explore what makes a professional gamer a "professional." We hope you enjoy listening!

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 5

April 08, 2015 00:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

In their official iTunes debut, Jesse and James attempt to discuss professional gaming and what it takes to get there... though admittedly, this one does go a tad off the rails. Check it out, and try not to take it too seriously!

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 4.5 (The Wrestlemania Edition!)

March 30, 2015 00:00 - 48 minutes - 44.7 MB

James and Jesse decided that after watching Wrestlemania XXXI, to record a special episode featuring our thoughts on Wrestlemania this year, and our favorite wrestling games that you should play if you like pro-wrestling! Check it out!

Team Rock-It Podcast Episode 4

March 25, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 83.9 MB

Team Rock-It is back again as they discuss what got them into podcasting and video game media in general, survival horror games, and opinions on the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and XV! Check it out!

Jesse of Team Rock-It Interviews Daycia!

March 20, 2015 00:00 - 35 minutes - 32.1 MB

This past Tuesday, I had the pleasure of interviewing up-and-coming, professional Super Smash Bros. player, Daycia Harley, on her gaming career thus far. Topics covered include what got her into the game, her ambitions, her stance on being a potential role model for women in professional gaming, and her other hobbies! Check it out!

Team Rock-It Episode 3

March 13, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 55.3 MB

Team Rock-It are back with another podcast! This time, we're covering retro gaming, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, the release of Final Fantasy XIV's expansion, Heavensward, and the Evolution Fighting Game Championships, with a focus on Ultra Street Fighter IV and Super Smash Bros.!

Jesse Interviews TK Stark Part One

March 07, 2015 00:00 - 55 minutes - 50.8 MB

This was recorded back on January 15th, 2015. I interviewed up and coming independent wrestler, TK Stark. This was a trial run at podcasting to see if I had an interest in doing it... and assuming I did, to give Mr. Stark the exposure he deserves. That being said, here we are!

Jesse Interviews TK Stark Part Two

March 07, 2015 00:00 - 35 minutes - 49.1 MB

This was recorded back on January 15th, 2015. I interviewed up and coming independent wrestler, TK Stark. This was a trial run at podcasting to see if I had an interest in doing it... and assuming I did, to give Mr. Stark the exposure he deserves. That being said, here we are!

Team Rock-It Episode 1

March 06, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 81.3 MB

Jesse and James enter the pod-casting world with a top 10 of their favorite games and why. What could possibly go wrong?

Twitter Mentions

@jesseuno 1 Episode
@kyleseeley23 1 Episode