Today while driving to my trainer's gym I could not help noticing how many turns I was taking and how windy the road was. But no matter how many turns I needed to make I knew exactly where I was. NO GPS needed. I just knew where to turn. ThAt reminded of why I am so adamant about helping kingdom womenpreneurs and a few determined brothers. I don't think I have shared that story will you so I thought I would tell you... last year one of my best friends was putting on her first conference in North Carolina, of course, I offered to help in any way I could. Since she knows I am a nerd she asked me to help her with the livestream. I was more than happy to help cause Livestreaming is my thing, and I love electronics. 

Because I was manning the livestreaming equipment I was seated in the very middle of the room, so I could see the stage and the audience very well. I knew my friend had a killer line up of speaker but I was not ready for what happened next. The MC was just amazing; gifted worship leader that she was she has the audience, clapping, dancing and praising. There I was in the middle of all this loving it all but still watching from the sidelines - see I was raised in a very small conservative church, we did not shout, jump or say loud amens - the event kept going and the speakers kept pouring what they had inside of them. many people in the audience were raised in such churches so worshiping like that was nothing new to them, however, there were others like me that were not. At some point, I was prophesied to, the worship music was going and I began to worship in ways I had not been able to before and all of the sudden I was no longer watching on the sidelines. Worshiping freely was now my normal too. 

Needless to say, I was no longer the same, and by the end of one of the speaker's presentation, I understood something I had been struggling with for a while.

I wanted to grow my business as a writer, ghostwriter, and writing coach but no matter what I did I could not reach the level I wanted. 

At the same time, I did not like the box I had put myself, I kept using books as my only vehicle. I was not utilizing ALL my gifts and talents. I kept asking myself, did I quit my 6-figure job for this? Is this all there is? 

I wanted to help more people and I also wanted to feel fulfilled doing it. Have you ever felt that way? 

What did I do? I kept writing book after book (that's how to book #20, 21) and creating more courses, I have over 20 courses now.

But no matter how many books I wrote or courses I created that nagging feeling that I was created for more would not leave me alone. I knew I was called for more, that i needed to use ALL my gifts and talents. 

What did the speaker say that really spoke to me? He said, "when you get in My presence, that which you have tried to toil over will be done effortlessly." 

And just like that, I got it, I have been trying to do something that was not working, it was too hard. I was not doing my easy. 

My easy is strategy, creating content and helping kingdom entrepreneurs create content for their faith-based audience.  I was leaving out major parts of myself out and I did not even know. And that's how the Teach Your Easy Movement was born. 

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Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of the new episodes that come out EVERY Thursday morning and if you have not left a review on iTunes yet, what are you waiting for? Go take care of that RIGHT now. 


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