TODAYS HISTORY LESSON... so we can really talk about our triggers and traumas OH MY. AmeriKKKas legacy is the pain, destruction, and dysfunction created on this land. Why does AmeriKKKa hate the Melaninated ones? According to Prophecy we are the original people. And centuries of terror and violence against us has sent us to the "Sunken Place" mentally- collectively. It's time to discuss how the Black Holocaust has caused serious intergenerational trauma. Are you familiar with #ACEs the Adverse Childhood Experiences score? We are understanding how trauma effects our genetics- and is passed down. Checkout #TedTalks speakers #TabithaMpamira-Kaguri #LeahWarcshaeski #BrandyWells Also #THEM on #AmazonPrime really gives you an accurate depiction of AmeriKKKas mental illness. All discussing trauma transferred, coping, and breaking cycles. Remember folks- your Grandparents can speak on Jim Crow and how they are affected mentally. We have much work to do.


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