Dr. Sylvie Heyman is a registered nurse who graduated from Bellevue School of Nursing. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Marymount Manhattan College and a master’s degree in Professional Studies focusing on Health Care Administration from Long Island University. She specialized in obstetrics before leading the open heart surgery unit at the renowned St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, NY. 

After earning her Doctor of Chiropractic and a degree in Acupuncture, Dr. Heyman fused these specialties and ran her private practice for 25 years. She also spent 12 years as a member of the Board of Trustees of the New York Chiropractic College and delivered a commencement speech during this time.

In her 70s, Dr. Heyman decided to pursue her passion for writing and penned two books: Make it a HABIT! Creating Health and Happiness for your Body, Mind, and Spirit and Beyond the Holocaust: An Immigrant’s Search for Identity.

In this episode…

Imagine having to uproot your life and move to an entirely different place where you aren’t familiar with the language, people, or culture. Now, imagine going through this experience while also dealing with the challenges of being a teenager. This was the reality for Dr. Sylvie Heyman, the author of Beyond the Holocaust: An Immigrant’s Search for Identity. 

Join Allan Rolnick in this episode of The Tax Resolution Ninja Show as he interviews Dr. Sylvie Heyman about her book, Beyond the Holocaust: An Immigrant’s Search for Identity. Tune in as Dr. Heyman talks about her family’s journey to the U.S. when she was just 14 years old, the struggles they faced in adapting to life in a new country, the importance of understanding the immigrant experience, and why she felt encouraged to tell her story.