Founder and architect of Nexus, Colin Cantrell joined Tatiana and Josh to talk about the future of the internet. Hint: it’s decentralized, open source and easy to use.

Colin retells how the internet was designed to be decentralized, but became more of a Mutually Assured Destruction scenario. He goes into explaining the technical background of his company Nexus, comparing it to the “old internet” we have today.

According to Colin, the internet and Bitcoin can both be considered prototypes of their kind, they both gained popularity very quickly, and as such, there are security flaws and inconveniences that never got fixed. Nexus is building up slowly, based on satellites and other devices running the Nexus OS, and incentivizing everyone to contribute. 

Colin gives his thoughts on how new technologies can reignite our imagination and speaks up for collaboration as a driver of exponential growth. He delivers an inspiring message on the future of humans and the internet.

About the Guest:
Colin Cantrell is a software architect, avid musician and composer with a strong belief that music will help introduce many people to the benefits of blockchain. Colin taught himself how to code at the age of 12 years old and in 2014 he created the Nexus blockchain and digital currency. Nexus is a 3D blockchain architecture that scales using Cisco’s LISP network and allows developers to code smart contracts in any language. Colin takes pride in consulting enterprise use cases and developing blockchain software solutions that can be easily integrated with the end user in mind.

As the son of Jim Cantrell, founding member of SpaceX and current CEO of Vector Space Systems, Colin built his first rocket at the age of 16 years old. Combining his interests in space and decentralization, Colin’s ultimate goal is to provide hardware for space communication while creating a world where people have a greater connection to one another.

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More Info:
Tatiana Moroz
Crypto Media Hub
Jackalope Festival

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