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Amidst the controversy surrounding U.S. and Iran tensions, I invited back to #TheTatianaShow foreign policy expert and king of anti-war news Scott Horton to discuss the current state of affairs. In his usual style, Scott eviscerates the narrative peddled by the mainstream media and Washington’s warmongers.

As most Americans believe history started on 9-11, Scott debunks the tired tropes and myths surrounding the terror war and gives us some real background into the Middle East and American relations such as:

How Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan kicked off the interventions during the Soviet-Afghan war in the 1980’s and the arming and funding of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.  Why Bill Clinton’s brutal sanctions of Iraq and stationing troops in Arabia were the direct reasons Bin Laden gave for his attack on the towers on 9-11. How George W. Bush’s disastrous war in Iraq helped lead to the rise of the Islamic state,  Barack Obama’s funding and arming of Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya in an attempt to contain Iranian influence, and how Donald Trump continues backing the radical Sunni jihadists in the Saudi war against Yemen.

Scott also gives his keen insight into the current issues of the day as only he can and answers the questions:

What was the real reason behind Soleimani being in Iraq and was he there on a peace mission with the Saudis? Does Trump truly want war with Iran or is he doing the bidding of the neoconservatives? Why are young people so easily propagandized into going to war and what can the right wing of America do to hold Trump to his promise to bring the troops home?

About the Guests:

Scott Horton is the author of Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan,, managing director of the Libertarian Institute at, editorial director of, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles and KUCR 88.3 in Riverside, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from this website.

In 2007, Horton won the Austin Chronicle‘s “Best of Austin” award for his Iraq war coverage on Antiwar Radio. He’s conducted more than  5,000 interviews since 2003.

His articles have appeared at The American Conservative, the History News Network, The Future of Freedom, The National Interest and the Christian Science Monitor, and he contributed a chapter to the 2019 book, The Impact of War.

He is a fan of, but no relation to the lawyer from Harper’s.

Scott lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, investigative reporter Larisa Alexandrovna Horton.

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