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Topics include:
- Gold
- Entrepreneurship
- Internal personal freedom
- Libertarianism
- Market speculation

About the Guests:

Joey took a leave of absence from Pomona College to focus full time on Augur. He conducted the first Bitcoin transaction via sound as well as the first Bitcoin transaction via iOS-Android Bluetooth LE. As a prelude to Augur, Joey and Jack completed Sidecoin, which allows new cryptocurrency distributions based on "snapshots" of Bitcoin account balances. He works on Augur’s backend codebase which interfaces with Chris's math functions. He is currently making Augur’s consensus implementation faster and more accurate. Joey worked on bitcoin merchant solutions and enjoys hardware tinkering and game development. He was his high school valedictorian and a senior officer of his college investment club.

Perry worked as an economics correspondent for the Financial Times, Fortune Magazine and Investors Business Daily after majoring in economics at Harvard. Before the 2007 crash, he uncovered heavy insider selling by homebuilder executives, used futures markets to gauge the surprising extent of Wall Street's dependence on the Fed, was first to report the Fed's formal brainstorming over unconventional stimulus options and how the U.S. government's future financial challenges were massively underestimated. He developed regressions to assess which nations might outperform or underperform going forward based on which were "underpriced" or "overpriced." He manages special projects for Augur, including strategic initiatives involving the financial sector and artificial intelligence.

Ashe Whitener is the founder and co-host of Liberty Entrepreneurs Podcast which aims to provide an alternative perspective to achieving individual freedom through the creative entrepreneurial process rather than through the tried and failed process of politics. Ashe is also an original member of Peter Schiff’s Euro Pacific Bank and is currently the Head of Business Development which manages 1000+ B2B referral partnerships worldwide. Much of Ashe’s experience has come during his time living abroad and he continues to consult global teams on various projects including tech startups and offshore asset protection.

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