Topics include:

-- Social Media Platforms
-- Online Identity Management
-- Decentralized Publishing
-- Free Speech
-- Censorship
-- Privacy
-- Hate Speech and Internet Trolls
-- Technical Features of Blockchain-Based Projects

As a musician and an activist, I’ve used social media to varying degrees of success. But we have entered an era in which we are facing a lot of simple obstacles to reaching audiences on our social media platforms, as well as outright censorship and banning. So I’m happy for the chance to speak with two innovators in the blockchain social media landscape. 

Bill Ottman is co-founder and CEO of, a crypto social network.

Matt Asher is founder of Before the Ban, a decentralized service for online identity preservation.

Through their projects, they are pushing back on the limits and failures of social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, and concretizing values of user control, decentralization, free speech, and privacy.

Matt recently released the white paper for Before The Ban, so I hope people will check it out. And I’m already making my 2nd post on for this episode!

Are you frustrated by your user experience on social media? Have you thought about using alternative platforms? Why or why not? Have you ever been banned? Do you have trouble gaining the reach and attention for your posts that you want? Comment below!

Finally, a quick message from our sponsor. BTC Inc is excited to announce its upcoming conference, Distributed Health, November 5-6 in Nashville, TN.They have a killer speaker line up and have a wonderful home team putting it on based right in the heart of Nashville! This is the first conference to bridge the gap between blockchain technology and the healthcare industry. Now, in its third year, this two-day event is an opportunity for all members of the ecosystem, including payers, providers, law makers, retailers, investors and innovators, to reshape the future of healthcare. For more information, visit: and use the promo code: TATIANA20 to secure a 20% discount!

About the Guests:

Matt Asher is founder of Before the Ban, a decentralized service for online identity preservation. Since 2014 he has worked with a number of startups in the space, including encrypted messaging services I.CX and Privacy Shell, and blockchain based securities platform Polymath. Matt has a background in math, statistics, and journalism.

Bill Ottman is co-founder and CEO of Minds, a crypto social network. He is also a Fellow at the Boston Global Forum and active in the open source movement. Bill graduated from University of Vermont and currently resides in Connecticut.

More Info:


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